Below is an article titled Last Chaos Quests List that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
Last Chaos All Quests List by Ona
I’ve pulled all the information about quests from the multiple forum topics about ‘em, the wiki pages, and the LC fan sites and compacted the info to present in a unified, simpler format than all the other places. Why? Because I dislike having to switch from page to page on the forum, searching for a quest for my level. I also dislike having to “interpret” all the other quests lists. They have a tendency to say different things about the same quest!
Now, here’s my quest list of all the known quests that have been talked about publicly. The required level is listed first, then comes the quest name, then where to find the NPC that gives it. Line two gives a short explanation of what is expected of you, and line three lists the potential rewards. For some of the more difficult or confusing quests I have included a fourth line with a note to help you out a bit. Some of the quests also have XP, item, or quest-history requirements. Those are listed directly below the quest’s title and above the objective, since you have to meet the requirements before getting to the objective.
The different types of quest information are color-coded to make it easier to distinguish between them. There are no images, so this may be easily saved to a .txt document (the way I store all my information) or printed without wasting too much ink. Hope it helps you out.
(To search for the quests at your level, hit the key combination CTRL+F (that means CTRL, then F) to open up the Find menu. Into the text area, type your level number followed by a space and a dash. It should look something like this: 27 -. Typing 27 - in will bring you to the beginning of the list of quests for level 27. Doing this saves you from having to scroll all the way there.)
1 – 4 Yabo’s Request (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 6 Gravel Stones. These can be gotten from the Deer. Deliver the stones to Healer Yabo in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 100, Goldcoins 100
1 – 5 Fox Fur Collection (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Fox Furs. These can be gotten from the Foxes. Deliver the furs to Healer Yabo.
Reward: EXP 250, Potion of Haste [2]
1 – 99 Pan’s Flute (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Pan Flute.
Objective: Talk to Archaeologist Jajan in Dratan City, Dratan, to have him summon a horse for you.
Reward: [Pet] Pony [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
1 – 99 Mysterious Blue Pan’s Flute (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Blue Pan Flute.
Objective: Talk to Archaeologist Jajan in Dratan City, Dratan, to have him summon a blue horse for you.
Reward: [Pet] Blue Pony [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
1 – 99 Drake’s Egg (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Drake Egg.
Objective: Talk to Archaeologist Jajan in Dratan City, Dratan, to have him hatch the egg for you.
Reward: [Pet] Hatchling [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
1 – 99 Secret of the Pink Drake’s Egg (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Pink Drake Egg.
Objective: Talk to Archaeologist Jajan in Dratan City, Dratan, to have him hatch the pink egg for you.
Reward: [Pet] Pink Hatchling [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
2 Letter from Lord [Class type] (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Deliver the letter from Lord [Class type] to Lorraine in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 100, Potion of Haste [3]
3 Transmute the Smelting Stone (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Talk to Lorraine to receive a Scale Shield for smelting at the Transmuter.
Reward: EXP 150
Note: Smelting the shield is not actually necessary to complete the quest.
4 Scroll of Memorizing (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Talk to Lorraine to receive a memory scroll.
Reward: EXP 200
Note: Each memory scroll is a one-time use. After teleporting to a location by using a memory scroll, you will lose the scroll. However, next time you acquire one, you will not have to re-memorize your favorite spots–they will still be there.
4 – 6 Wolf Tooth Collection (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 12 Wolf Tooths. These can be gotten from the Wolves. Deliver the tooths to Healer Yabo.
Reward: EXP 500, Potion of Haste [3]
5 Energy Cluster (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Collect 1 Zeta Wave Energy from the energy circle that is north of Randol City. Deliver the energy to Lorraine.
Reward: EXP 450, Potion of Haste [3]
5 – 20 Personal Dungeon 1: Hunt for the Balrog (Dungeon Keeper of Roland / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Kill the Balrog.
Reward: Goldcoins 3.000, Moonstone [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
6 Yellow Herb Leaf (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Collect 1 Yellow Herb Leaf from the herb patch that is west of Randol City. Deliver the herb to Lorraine.
Reward: EXP 450, Potion of Haste [3]
7 Mining of Flawed Stone (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Collect 1 Flawed Stone from the mining field that is east of Randol City. Deliver the stone to Lorraine.
Reward: EXP 450, Potion of Haste [3]
8 Personal Dungeon in Randol (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Talk to Lorraine to receive your first Personal Dungeon Ticket.
Reward: Personal Dungeon Ticket 1 [1]
8 – 12 Necklace of Geres (Merchant Geres / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Jaguar Claws. These can be gotten from the Jaguar. Deliver the claws to Merchant Geres in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 400, Goldcoins 500
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
8 – 35 Learning the Absorption Skill (Captain Leon / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Zeta Wave Energy to Lorraine.
Reward: Haste Potion [3], Level 1 Basic Absorption
8 – 35 Learning the Herbalism Skill (Captain Leon / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Yellow Herb Leaf to Lorraine.
Reward: Haste Potion [3], Level 1 Basic Herbalism
8 – 35 Learning the Mining Skill (Captain Leon / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Flawed Stone to Lorraine.
Reward: Haste Potion [3], Level 1 Basic Mining
9 Bant in Dratan (Automatic quest pop-up)
Objective: Deliver the letter to Weapon Trader Bant in Dratan City, Dratan. To get to Dratan City, visit Teleporter Eteal in the southeast part of Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 600, Goldcoins 500
9 – 35 Acquiring the Absorption Skill (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Go to the energy circle that is north of Randol City and practice your Absorption Skill. Collect 1 Zeta Wave Energy by using the Energy Collector. Deliver the energy to Lorraine.
Reward: EXP 650, Haste Potion [3]
9 – 35 Acquiring the Herbalism Skill (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Go to the herb patch that is west of Randol City and practice your Herbalism Skill. Collect 1 Yellow Herb Leaf by using the Knife. Deliver the herb to Lorraine in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 650, Haste Potion [3]
9 – 35 Acquiring the Mining Skill (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Go to the mining field that is east of Randol City. Collect 1 Flawed Stone by using the Pick Axe (males) or Hammer (females). Deliver the stone to Lorraine in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 650, Haste Potion [3]
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12 – 14 Encounter with a Trapper (Merchant Geres / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Letter of Geres to Hunter Dranore. Hunter Dranore is camped in southwest Juno.
Reward: EXP 650, Haste Potion [3]
12 – 14 Sasquatch Furs Collection (Hunter Dranore / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Sasquatch Furs. These can be gotten from the Sasquatches. Deliver the furs to Hunter Dranore.
Reward: EXP 600, Goldcoins 700
Note: This is a repeatable quest. Sasquatch Fur initially comes as a quest drop, which is put directly into your quest inventory. If you have received any Sasquatch Fur in your main inventory from buying, selling, trading, or finding it on the ground, then all future Sasquatch Fur will come as a normal drop. Both quest drops and normal drops of Sasquatch Fur are acceptable to Hunter Dranore.
13 – 15 Hunting of Werewolf (Hunter Dranore / Juno)
Objective: Kill 20 Werewolves, then talk to Hunter Dranore.
Reward: EXP 650, Goldcoins 1.000
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
15 – 17 Little Treant Fruits (Hunter Dranore / Juno)
Objective: Collect 20 Treant Fruits. These can be gotten from the Little Treants. Deliver the fruits to Hunter Dranore.
Reward: EXP 750, Goldcoins 1.650
Note: This is a repeatable quest. Treant Fruit initially comes as a quest drop, which is put directly into your quest inventory. If you have received any Treant Fruit in your main inventory from buying, selling, trading, or finding it on the ground, then all future Treant Fruit will come as a normal drop. Both quest drops and normal drops of Treant Fruit are acceptable to Hunter Dranore.
15 – 25 Personal Dungeon 2: Rescue the Princess (Dungeon Keeper of Roland / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Personal Dungeon Ticket 2.
Objective: Rescue Princess Noa from the Trolls, then escort her to the entrance of the mine.
Reward: Goldcoins 10.000, Moonstone [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest. This is considered the hardest personal dungeon. Princess Noa moves extremely slow, may not be buffed or healed, and has a habit of getting in the way of your clicking. Do not be surprised if you fail the first dozen tries..
16 – 18 Letter of Captain Leon (Captain Leon / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Letter of Captain Leon to Border Guard Tamon. Border Guard Tamon is camped in Juno, northwest of Randol City.
Reward: EXP 750, Haste Potion [3]
16 – 18 Hunting the Horn Beasts (Border Guard Tamon / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Horn Beast Eyes. These can be gotten from the Horn Beasts. Deliver the eyes to Border Guard Tamon.
Reward: EXP 800, Goldcoins 900
Note: This is a repeatable quest. The Horn Beast Eye drops that you get for this quest are quest drops. That is, they are put directly into your quest inventory, not your main one.
16 – 19 Letter for the Royal Guards (Captain Leon / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have 80.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver the letter from Captain Leon to the Royal Guard Captain in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 8.000, Choose item: Level 15 Gloves+2 [1] or Level 17 Boots+1 [1]
16 – 19 The Truth about Treant (Scroll Trader Gerel / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have 250.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 3 Treant Fruits. These can be gotten from the Little Treants. Deliver the fruits to the Archbishop in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 18.000
17 – 19 Hunting Elder Werewolves (Border Guard Tamon / Juno)
Objective: Kill 20 Elder Werewolves, then talk to Border Guard Tamon.
Reward: EXP 850, Goldcoins 1.300
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
17 – 20 Return of the Moont (Archbiship / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled The Truth about Treant.
Objective: Collect 3 Horn Beast Skins. These can be gotten from the Horn Beasts. Deliver the skins to Juno’s Archbishop.
Reward: EXP 17.000, Cystal of Experience (Small) [1]
17 – 20 The Souvenoirs of Geres (Merchant Geres / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 5 Horn Beast Eyes. These can be gotten from the Horn Beasts. Deliver the eyes to Merchant Geres.
Reward: EXP 17.000, Goldcoins 10.000
Note: The Horn Beast Eye drops that you get for this quest are normal drops. They will appear in your main inventory after you pick them up.
18 – 20 Drake Breeding (Border Guard Tamon / Juno)
Objective: Kill 30 Drakes, then talk to Border Guard Tamon.
Reward: EXP 900, Goldcoins 2.200
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
18 – 21 Study About the Drake (Royal Guard Captain / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have 465.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 3 Green Orbs. These can be gotten from the Drakes. Deliver the orbs to Juno’s Royal Guard Captain.
Reward: EXP 25.000
18 – 21 The Bow of Yabo (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have 466.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver Healer Yabo’s bow and a Drake Scale to the Miner Trainer in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 24.000
19 – 22 Royal Guard Leader Request (Royal Guard Captain / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Study about the Drake.
Objective: Deliver 3 Green Orbs to the Master Energy Builder in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 46.000, Choose item: Level 17 Shield+1 [1] or Level 16 Pants+1 [1]
19 – 22 A Letter from Yabo (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled The Bow of Yabo.
Objective: Deliver Healer Yabo’s letter to Hunter Dranore.
Reward: EXP 20.000, Choose item: Level 17 Helm+1 [1] or Magical Earring [1]
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20 – 23 Barans Amusement (Storekeeper Bianca / Randol City / Juno) — TWO-PART
Objective: (Part 1) Collect Baran’s sword from Storekeeper Bianca. (Part 2) Deliver Baran’s sword to Weapon Trader Baran in Randol City, Juno.
Reward: EXP 27.000, Goldcoins 30.000
20 – 23 Hiragen Grass (Magician / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the Hiragen Grass to Wild Collector Kal. Wild Collector Kal is camped in midwest Juno.
Reward: EXP 61.000
21 – 24 The Route of the Titans (Archbishop / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the letter from Juno’s Archbishop to Dratan’s Archbishop.
Reward: EXP 81.000, Choose item: Moon Stone [2] or Green Stone [1]
21 – 24 Archaeologist Jajan Request (Archaeologist Jajan / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have 1.090.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 4 Cursed Bones. These can be gotten from the Corpse Rangers, Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Lancers, and Corpse Sergeants in the Velpist Temple, Juno. Deliver the bones to Archaeologist Jajan.
Reward: EXP 93.000
Note: Cursed Bones are hard drops to get. It is recommended that you collect them before you accept the quest, as your chances of getting a Cursed Bone drop seem to be increased when you aren’t actually looking for them.
22 – 25 Historical Verification of Jajan (Archaeologist Jajan / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Archaeologist Jajan Request.
Objective: Collect 5 Harpy Tears and 5 Harpy Feathers. These can be gotten from the Harpys and Harpy Queens. Deliver the tears and feathers to Archaeologist Jajan.
Reward: EXP 120.000, Choose item: Level 21 Shirt+1 [1] or Level 21 Pants+2 [1]
Note: You must have exactly 5 Harpy Tears and 5 Harpy Feathers to be able to turn them in to Jajan and complete the quest. If you have any more or less than 5 of each, the Jajan will not accept them.
22 – 25 Hobby of Billionaire Jiore (Archbishop / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled The Route of the Titans and must have 1.500.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver the letter from Dratan’s Archbishop to Billionaire Jiore. Billionaire Jiore is in Dratan City, Dratan.
Reward: EXP 105.000
23 – 26 Translator Edgar Old Document (Billionaire Jiore / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Hobby of Billionaire Jiore.
Objective: Collect 10 Soft Sands. These can be gotten from the Sand Golems. Deliver the sands to Translator Edgar, who is camped just south of Dratan City, Dratan.
Reward: EXP 210.000, Choose item: Level 21 Shirt [1] or Level 21 Pants+1 [1]
Note: Soft Sands are an extremely rare drop. If you have not already acquired the necessary sands at the time you accept the quest or are having trouble getting them, try hunting in the Sand Golem area at coordinates 2700,600. Those Sand Golems are closer together than most other groups, so you will have a higher chance of a Soft Sand drop in the amount of time you spend killing. Note that Elite Sand Golems will drop double Soft Sands.
23 – 26 Town Administrator Len Word (Town Administrator Len / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have 1.880.000 EXP.
Objective: Talk to Mazar, who is the Royal Guard Captain of Dratan City, Dratan.
Reward: EXP 80.000
24 – 26 Rowel’s Favor (Armor Trader Rowel / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Deliver the letter from Armor Trader Rowel to Wild Collector Kal.
Reward: EXP 2.000, Haste Potion [3]
24 – 26 Horn Beast Skin (Wild Collector Kal / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Horn Beast Skins. These can be gotten from the Great Horn Beasts. Deliver the skins to Wild Collector Kal.
Reward: EXP 1.200, Goldcoins 2.800
24 – 27 Dratan Royal Guard Leader Words (Royal Guard Captain / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Town Administrator Len Word.
Objective: Deliver the message from the Royal Guard Captain to Archaeologist Shuraine. Archaeologist Shuraine is camped to the east of Dratan City, Dratan.
Reward: EXP 175.000, Choose item: Moonstone [3] or Level 22 Helm+1 [1]
24 – 27 Story of Crom (Weapon Trader Crom / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have 2.305.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 5 Cracked Axes. These can be gotten from the Orc Axemen in Prokion Temple, Dratan. Deliver the axes to Weapon Trader Crom.
Reward: EXP 200.000, Goldcoins 40.000
25 – 28 Request from Jajan (Archaeologist Jajan / Dratan City / Dratan)
Objective: Collect 3 Dark Orbs. These can be gotten from the Orc Soldiers, Orc Axemen, Orc Fighters, and Orc Sergeants in Prokion Temple; or from Dark Goddesses. Deliver the orbs to Archaeologist Jajan.
Reward: EXP 310.000, Choose item: Level 22 Boots+2 [1] or Level 25 Gloves+1 [1]
25 – 28 Another Identity of Shuraine (Weapon Trader Crom / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Story of Crom.
Objective: Talk to Archaeologist Shuraine.
Reward: EXP 158.000
25 – 40 Personal Dungeon 3: Ajaka Canyon (Dungeon Keeper of Roland / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Personal Dungeon Ticket 3.
Objective: Kill the Blood Mistress Kamira.
Reward: Goldcoins 10.000, Moonstone [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest. Remember, stun skills do not wear off in the personal dungeons! So try to stun the three boss monsters as fast as you can. Please note, the Beast Crawler and the Blood Mistress Kamira boss monsters use magical attacks. Take along some level 12 magical defense minerals.
26 – 28 Collecting Treant Leather (Wild Collector Kal / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Treant Leathers. These can be gotten from the Treants. Deliver the leathers to Wild Collector Kal.
Reward: EXP 1.300, Goldcoins 3.000
Note: This is a repeatable quest. Treant Leather is a quest drop. The Treant Leather will appear in your quest inventory, not your normal one.
26 – 29 The Sand Golems (Occultist Pianon / Dratan City / Dratan)
Objective: Collect 10 Soft Sands. These can be gotten from the Sand Golems. Deliver the sands to Occultist Pianon.
Reward: EXP 200.000, Goldcoins 50.000
Note: Soft Sands are an extremely rare drop. If you have not already acquired the necessary sands at the time you accept the quest or are having trouble getting them, try hunting in the Sand Golem area at coordinates 2700,600. Those Sand Golems are closer together than most other groups, so you will have a higher chance of a Soft Sand drop in the amount of time you spend killing. Note that Elite Sand Golems will drop double Soft Sands.
26 – 29 Heart-Shaped Diary (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have 3.981.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver the Diary of Rainhart to Magician Dien in Caron Village, Merac.
Reward: EXP 160.000, Magical Stone [1]
27 – 30 Remnants of Akemon (Magician Dien / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Collect 10 Orders of Beradben. These can be gotten from the Butchers. Deliver the orders to Great Magician Minearm in Caron Village, Merac.
Reward: EXP 290.000
Note: Orders of Beradben are not normal drops that can be bought, sold, or traded. You will receive one Orders of Beradben for every five or so Butchers that you kill.
27 – 30 Letter from Minearm (Great Magician Minearm / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Remnants of Akemon.
Objective: Deliver the letter from Great Magician Minearm to Archaeologist Shuraine in Dratan.
Reward: EXP 100.000, Choose item: Level 27 Boots+2 [1] or Level 30 Gloves
28 – 31 Spider Poison Research (Healer Yabo / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 5 Spider Poisons. These can be gotten from the Desert Spiders and Red Spiders in Dratan. Deliver the poisons to Healer Yabo.
Reward: EXP 250.000, Goldcoins 30.000, Choose item: Physical Attack Potion [5] or Physical Defense Potion [5]
28 – 31 Origin of the Desert Spiders (Herbologist Trainer / Dratan City / Dratan)
Objective: Collect 10 Strong Spider Threads. These can be gotten from the Desert Spiders and Red Spiders. Deliver them to Dratan’s Herbologist Trainer.
Reward: EXP 250.000, Goldcoins 100.000
29 – 32 Salamander Skin (Armor Trader Rowel / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 10 Salamander Skins. These can be gotten from the Salamander in Dratan. Deliver the skins to Armor Trader Rowel.
Reward: EXP 345.000, Choose item: Goldcoins 90.000 or Level 31 Shirt [1]
29 – 32 The Divine and the Infernal (Royal Guard Captain / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have 7.300.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 10 Orc Ornaments. These can be gotten from the Orc Sergeants in Prokion Temple, Dratan. Deliver the ornaments to Dratan’s Royal Guard Captain.
Reward: EXP 380.000
Note: It is recommended that you collect the Orc Ornaments before accepting the quest. Their drop rate seems to lower quite a bit after the quest has been accepted.
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30 – 33 Tail of Salamander (Lorraine / Randol City / Juno)
Objective: Collect 5 Salamander Tails. These can be gotten from the Salamander in Dratan. Deliver the tails to Great Magician Minearm in Merac.
Reward: EXP 325.000, Goldcoins 100.000
30 – 33 The Death Goddess (Royal Guard Captain / Dratan City / Dratan)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled The Divine and the Infernal.
Objective: Kill 35 Death Goddesses, then talk to Dratan’s Royal Guard Captain.
Reward: EXP 460.000, Choose item: Level 27 Helm+2 [1] or Level 29 Shield+2
31 – 34 Weakened Caron Village (Magician Louis / Caron Village / Merac) — TWO-PART
Requirements: Must have 11.085.000 EXP.
Objective: Talk to Magician Louis and collect his report, then go talk to Magician Dien and collect his report, too. Deliver the reports from Louis and Dien to Great Magician Minearm.
Reward: EXP 220.000
32 – 35 Column of Main Magic (Great Magician Minearm / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Weakened Caron Village.
Objective: Deliver the Book of Magic to Rau. Rau is camping at the main column of magic, east of Caron Village.
Reward: EXP 340.000
33 – 36 Request of Louis (Magician Louis / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Kill 10 Pilferers and 10 Bandits, then talk to Magician Louis.
Reward: EXP 410.000, Choose item: Level 30 Gauntlets [1] or Level 32 Boots [1]
34 – 37 Berserkers Attack (Boarder Guard Captain / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Kill 20 Beserkers, then talk to Merac’s Border Guard Captain.
Reward: EXP 390.000, Goldcoins 80.000
35 – 38 Materials of Summon Magic (Merchant Elkein / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Collect 10 Red Toenails. These can be gotten from the Gnolls. Deliver the toenails to Magician Dein in Caron Village, Merac.
Reward: EXP 460.000, Goldcoins 100.000, Choose item: Magical Earing [1] or Magical Necklace [1] or Physical Attack Potion [10]
35 – 60 Personal Dungeon 4: Gate of Dimension (Dungeon Keeper of Roland / Randol City / Juno)
Requirements: Must have item titled Personal Dungeon Ticket 4.
Objective: Kill all the monsters.
Reward: Rank 1 – Heavenstone [3]; Rank 2 – Heavenstone [2]; Rank 3 – Heavenstone [1]; Rank 4 – Crystal of Experience (Greater) [1]; Rank 5 – Crystal of Experience (Medium) [1]
Note: This is a repeatable quest. The rewards for this quest are based on how long it takes you to complete it compared to everyone else. The faster you complete the quest, the better a reward you may receive. Rewards are given out weekly.
36 – 39 Present of Kelim (Weapon Trader Kelim / Caron Village / Merac) — TWO-PART
Objective: (Part 1) Talk to Merchant Elkein to get the bouquet of flowers for Gali. (Part 2) (The Wedding Gift) Take the bouquet to Weapon Trader Kelim.
Reward: EXP 275.000, Goldcoins 40.000
37 – 40 Wedding of Gali (Magician Dien / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Deliver the letter from Magician Dien to Magician Louis.
Reward: EXP 323.000, Goldcoins 80.000
38 – 41 Mercenary Certificate (Boarder Guard Captain / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have 37.600.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver the certificate from Merac’s Border Guard Captain to Magician Kihan. Magician Kihan is in Owl Village, Merac.
Reward: EXP 380.000, Goldcoins 50.000
39 – 42 Gnolls Attack (Magician Kihan / Owl Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Mercenary Certificate.
Objective: Collect 3 Gnoll Soldier Hearts. These can be gotten from the Gnoll Soldiers. Deliver the hearts to Magician Kihan.
Reward: EXP 664.000, Choose item: Goldcoins 80.000 or Crystal of Experience (Medium) [2]
39 – 42 Request of Kihan (Magician Kihan / Owl Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Gnolls Attack.
Objective: Deliver the Gnoll Soldier Hearts to Great Magician Miearm.
Reward: EXP 440.000, Goldcoins 50.000
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41 – 44 Spirited Gnoll Soldier (Border Guard Captain / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Kill 25 Gnoll Soldiers, then talk to Merac’s Border Guard Captain.
Reward: EXP 597.000, Goldcoins 40.000
42 – 45 Spiked Canine Skins (Armor Trader Clain / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Collect 5 Spiked Canine Skins. These can be gotten from the Spiked Canine, Dire Spiked Canine, and TWo Headed Canine in Maargadum Jail. Deliver the skins to Armor Trader Clain.
Reward: EXP 550.000, Choose item: Moonstone [5] or Crystal of Efforts [1]
Note: Spiked Canines and Dire Spiked Canines have a higher Spiked Canine Skin drop rate than Two Headed Canines do.
43 – 46 Report of Noa (Guard Noa / Margaadum Prison / Merac)
Requirements: Must have 79.000.000 EXP.
Objective: Deliver a report to the Great Magician Minearm in Merac.
Reward: EXP 476.000
44 – 47 Constituent of Gnoll Soldiers Blood (Great Magician Minearm / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Report of Noa.
Objective: Deliver a blood constituent to Magician Kihan.
Reward: EXP 546.000, Choose item: Physical Attack Potion [10] or Physical Defense Potion [10]
45 – 48 Enforced Column of Main Magic (Magician Dein / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Collect 10 Beast Hearts. These can be gotten from the Beast Scythes, Beast Archers, and Beast Flyers. Deliver the hearts to Rau.
Reward: EXP 729.000, Goldcoins 100.000
46 – 49 New Identity (Border Guard Captain / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have 118.050.000 EXP.
Objective: Kill 30 Beast Flyers in Maargadum Jail, then talk to Great Magician Minearm in Merac.
Reward: EXP 831.000, Goldcoins 50.000, Choose item: Attack Potion [10] or Defense Potion [10]
47 – 50 Worry of Minearm (Great Magician Minearm / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled New Identity.
Objective: Collect 3 rings by killing Beast Crawlers in Maargadum Jail. Deliver the rings to Merac’s Archbishop.
Reward: EXP 811.000, Choose item: Crystal of Experience (Greater) [2] or Crystal of Efforts [2]
48 – 51 Closing Power of Maargadum (Magician Louis / Caron Village / Merac)
Objective: Deliver the book from Magician Louis to Rau.
Reward: EXP 613.000, Goldcoins 80.000
49 – 52 Reactivation of the Death Knights (Archbishop / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have 173.000.000 EXP.
Objective: Collect 5 Rotten Flesh. These can be gotten from the Death Mask Lancers, Death Mask Soldiers, and Death Knights. Deliver the fleshes to Merac’s Archbishop.
Reward: EXP 867.000
————— * this is a divider, 50+ below * —————
50 – 53 Meeting of the Archishop (Archbishop / Caron Village / Merac)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Reactivation of the Death Knights.
Objective: Deliver the Rotten Flesh to Healer Yabo in Juno.
Reward: EXP 587.000, Goldcoins 100.000
60 – 78 Clean Up the Bogle (Grocer Wain / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 10 Bogles, then talk to Grocer Wain.
Reward: EXP 39.581.140, Goldcoins 90.000
60 – 78 Wain’s Favor for Old Woman Juriel (Grocer Wain / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Clean Up the Bogle.
Objective: Deliver the medicine to Bedlam Juriel, who lives in the forest.
Reward: EXP 6.012.025, Goldcoins 85.000
60 – 78 Eliminate Grave Robbers (Ceremony Manager Renin / Egeha)
Objective: Collect 6 Grave Robber Equipments. These can be gotten from the Dark Bogles.
Reward: EXP 4.919.106, Goldcoins 88.500
60 – 78 Destroy Devil Graves (Ceremony Manager Renin / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Eliminate Grave Robbers.
Objective: Kill 3 Devil Graves, then talk to Ceremony Manager Renin.
Reward: EXP 4.513.840, Goldcoins 85.000
60 – 80 Collection of the Gods’ Accessories (Antiquities Dealer Remton / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Objective: Collect 5 Accessories of the God and deliver them to Antiquities Dealer Remton.
Reward: EXP 8.430.370, Goldcoins 188.000
60 – 80 Deliver Accessories of the Gods (Antiquities Dealer Remton / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Collection of the Gods’ Accessories.
Objective: Deliver the Accessories of the God to Archaeologist Rantran.
Reward: EXP 2.730.550, Goldcoins 175.000
62 – 80 Old Woman’s Revenge (Beldam Juriel / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 20 Assassin Bugs.
Reward: EXP 12.429.915, Goldcoins 95.000
62 – 82 Herbal Ingredients for the Old Woman (Beldam Juriel / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Old Woman’s Revenge.
Objective: Collect 10 Herbal Ingredients. These can be gotten from the Koyemsi.
Reward: EXP 10.740.676, Goldcoins 100.000
62 – 95 Stuff for Assistant Rouin (Beldam Juriel / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Herbal Ingredients for the Old Woman.
Objective: Deliver the 10 Herbal Ingredients from Beldam Juriel to Rouin’s Assistant.
Reward: EXP 22.580.665, Goldcoins 540.350
65 – 80 Revenge of the Weapon Trader (Weapon Trader Reman / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 3 Hadies, then talk to Weapon Trader Reman.
Reward: EXP 5.005.777, Goldcoins 86.500
65 – 85 Sword of Battle Leader Kun (Weapon Trader Reman / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Revenge of the Weapon Trader.
Objective: Deliver the sword to Battle Leader Kun.
Reward: EXP 18.402.340, Goldcoins 358.955
65 – 95 Battle Leader Kun’s Letter (Battle Leader Kun / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Sword of Battle Leader Kun.
Objective: Deliver the letter from Battle Leader Kun to Armor Trader Deni.
Reward: EXP 16.646.710, Goldcoins 274.975
65 – 90 Specialized Armor (Armor Trader Deni / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Battle Leader Kun’s Letter.
Objective: Deliver the armor to Battle Leader Kun.
Reward: EXP 13.344.945, Goldcoins 269.144
————— * this is a divider, 70+ below * —————
70 – 85 Terry’s Test of Bravery (Scout Terry / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 10 Azers, then talk to Scout Terry.
Reward: EXP 11.897.876, Goldcoins 206.000
70 – 85 Continued Bravery Test (Scout Terry / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Terry’s Test of Bravery.
Objective: Kill 7 Little Scorpionmantis, then talk to Scout Terry.
Reward: EXP 12.066.171, Goldcoins 225.080
70 – 87 Brave Warrior (Scout Terry / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Continued Bravery Test.
Objective: Kill 5 Scorpionmantis (the big ones) in the graveyard, then talk to Scout Terry.
Reward: EXP 13.406.980, Goldcoins 257.480
Note: This quest is deceiving. The NPC tells you that you must kill 20 Little Scorpionmantis, but once you accept the quest your quest progress says that you must kill 5 Scorpoinmantis.
70 – 89 Request of the Arena Guard (Patrol Leader Zen / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 7 Skinwalkers, then talk to Patrol Leader Zen.
Reward: EXP 21.757.968, Goldcoins 348.457
70 – 90 Letter of Patrol Leader Zen (Patrol Leader Zen / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Request of the Arena Guard.
Objective: Deliver Patrol Leader Zen’s letter to Scout Terry.
Reward: EXP 10.305.235, Goldcoins 228.320
70 – 87 Terry’s Inspection Report (Scout Terry / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Letter of Patrol Leader Zen.
Objective: Deliver Scout Terry’s report to to Patrol Leader Zen.
Reward: EXP 10.305.235, Goldcoins 228.320
70 – 100 Hiding Place of the Heathenist Followers (Archaeologist Rantran / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Objective: Deliver the sealed document to Assistant Rouin.
Reward: EXP 22.580.665, Goldcoins 263.329
70 – 100 Treatment for Assistant Rouin (Assistant Rouin / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Hiding Place of the Heathenist Followers.
Objective: Collect 1 Counteracting Poisoned Leaf, then talk to Assistant Rouin.
Reward: EXP 22.580.665, Goldcoins 540.350
70 – 100 Sancturary of the Hedonists (Assistant Rouin / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Treatment for Assistant Rouin.
Objective: Kill 5 Cursed Weavers, then talk to Archaeologist Rantran.
Reward: EXP 30.134.098, Goldcoins 725.525
70 – 100 Investigate the Liches (Assistant Rouin / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Treatment for Assistant Rouin.
Objective: Kill 5 Cursed Liches and collect Ghost’s Breath, then talk to Spirit Magician Heras.
Reward: EXP 32.970.822, Goldcoins 4.069.952
70 – 100 Solving the Riddle (Spirit Magician Heras / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Investigate the Liches.
Objective: Deliver Spirit Magician Heras’s letter to Patriarch Zikil.
Reward: EXP 25.098.610, Goldcoins 202.400
70 – 100 Conscription Soldiers (Patriarch Zikil / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Solving the Riddle.
Objective: Deliver The letter to Battle Leader Kun.
Reward: EXP 26.098.610, Goldcoins 358.955
70 – 90 Circumstances of the Arena (Battle Leader Kun / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 10 Bocou Demons and 10 Skinwalkers, then talk to Battle Leader Kun.
Reward: EXP 34.644.524, Goldcoins 547.910
70 – 95 Kill the Inkitomi (Battle Leader Kun / Egeha)
Requirements: Must have completed the quest titled Circumstances of the Arena.
Objective: Collect 1 Bone Necklace. This can be gotten form the Inkitomi. Deliver it to Battle Leader Kun.
Reward: EXP 20.480.155, Goldcoins 434.535
70 – 100 Eliminate the Monsters (Patriarch Zikil / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Objective: Kill 20 Azers in the nearby graveyard.
Reward: EXP 8.430.370, Goldcoins 188.000
80 – 100 Dragon Legend (Patriarch Zikil / Aaron Village / Egeha)
Objective: Collect 1 Scale of the Dragon and deliver it to Patriarch Zikil.
Reward: EXP 25.098.610, Goldcoins 836.635
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