Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lunia Arta Guide

Below is an article titled Lunia Arta Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.

Lunia Arta Guide by PrincessLenne

Arta Lorraine the Engineer

**Special Note!**

Arta has two types of main builds – Battle and Craft.

Battle Builds – Will max all attack skills and bless/passives that help.
Craft Builds – Will max the necessary fortification skills (especially the accessory fortifications) and ignore some, if not all the damage skills.
Hybrid Builds – Half Attack, half craft, of course. Most likely not recommended to take such a build unless you find the perfect build for yourself.

Basic Attacks

A – Swing once with hammer.
AA – Swing twice with hammer.
AAA – Swing twice, then spin.
AAAA – Swing twice, then spin that does 2 hits.
AAAAA – Swing twice, then spin 3 times, the 3rd hit being a hard knockdown and knocks the enemy far away.

S – Pound with hammer to cause a small shockwave.
S (hold longer before 2nd cry) – Pound with hammer to cause a bigger shockwave.
S (hold longer for a 2nd cry) – Pound with hammer to cause an even bigger shockwave.
S (Hold fully till end) – Pound with hammer to cause a large shockwave. It has a hard knockdown effect.

AS – Swing then spin to knock enemy up.
AAS – Swing twice then pound the ground ahead of you. The pound is a hard knockdown.

>>S – Dash then spin with hammer.

>>AS – Dash, swing with hammer then recoil at an explosion.
>>A S – Dash, swing with hammer then spin forward.


Construction Section

Twirling Hammer – Swing with hammers to hit enemy 3 times.
This would be Arta’s only melee skill, meaning you would need to hit up close. I find this skill great because whenever you are getting attack, endurance frames from this skill kick in. Maxed effects will have this skill get additional hits, meaning more damage, and it’s recommended to max because this skill does a heck load of high damage. Endurance frames are at Lv4 of this skill. If you want other skills then it’s fine for 4 points. If you need 4 more, feel free to leave this out.
Stage, Hybrid – 0, 4 or Max
PvP – 0 or Max
Pros :
Super high damage at max, and has endurance frames at Lv4.
Cons : A few hits, and it’s very close ranged.

Lab Defense Device D-1 – Summon a gatling gun machine to fire rapid bullets ahead.
Arta stays still and summons a machine to fire bullets. Stage users should max this. Note the bullets do not pierce (but the True version of this does). The cannon slightly aims, it’s just not too sharp on pinpointing locations, but it’s still good aiming. In PvP, people can easily escape this, unless they are stupid enough to not move. Though situations like Battlefield Test (gate attacking part) may be somewhat useful.
All Builds – 0, Max (Pure stage builds can take True LDD D-1)
Pros :
Somewhat of a mob skill.
Cons : You need to aim/place this in the right area/hope other players don’t move, or this will fail.

Target Bomb F-4 – Throw a bomb ahead that explodes 2 seconds later.
This, is a great skill. 15 Seconds cool down, and high damage (even if combined with Myth). This skill contains the provoke effect, so enemies will be walking to it until the bomb explodes. PvP is a bit tricky, since opponents will know where the bomb is. I recommend maxing for Stage builds. The damage is quite big. PvP users can also max as well, for there is a special combo with this skill. If you need to save points for other powerful skills, then you can 0 this.
All Builds – 0, Max
Pros :
A large damage area, contains provoke effect.
Cons : Hits only once.

Magnetic Field Generator S-2 – Throw a specialized bomb that releases shock waves.
The damage, jumps around too much. This is not needed to get at all, however the shock waves do “flinch lock”, which locks your opponent in flinching, like Dark Eir’s Gaze of Darkness. 1 point for distractions is fine. If you want to try with luck and hope for the most highest damage in the damage range, then go for maxing it.
All Builds – 0, 1, Max
Pros :
The max damage is high.
Cons : The range of the skill damage is too big.

Missile Support – Call a sky attack of missiles to rain on enemies.
This skill is decent. Think of like Yuki’s Icicle Rain Shower, and if you even use it closer to enemies, more missiles will be launched at the enemy, meaning more damage. Because it covers a wide range, I recommend maxing, but I suggest you find other better skills before seeing this. If you are to become a Stage build, get True Missile Support. I’m not saying skip this, just get True Missile Support first because it is better than this skill, but if you have the extra points, get this too.
All Builds – 0, Max
Pros :
Great damage. Endurance frames at Level 4.
Cons : Small blast radius effect. Every missile does not hit.

Target Decoy FX – Set a target-area then summon a cannon to fire a large ball of energy.
This, is another very good skill. Though you will need a safe area, since you have to wait before the cannon is shot. Stage builds should be maxing this. This skill also contains the provoke effect, so monsters will be walking towards the cannon blast. You must max this.
Stage – Max
PvP, Hybrid – 0, Max

Pros : High damage, especially on a mob/boss. Extra range at Lv8.
Cons : Place wisely so you have enough time for it to shoot.

Defender Robot DS-2 – Throw out three specialized helicopter-like bombs to stalk enemies while shooting out blasts of electricity.
This skill happens to be very bad in damage. It looks amazing but you’ll find it being weak. I really recommend not getting it at all, but 1 point is fine for distraction and flinch purposes.
All Builds – 0, 1
Pros : Flinches enemies rapidly. Can last for a while.
Cons : Low damage and not needed.

Artitan Mk. 28 – Summon a robot that Arta had crafted that is capable of smashing enemies.
The Artitan is of course, Arta’s Lv60 skill. The robot can smash and is able to mob enemies, as well as have endurance frames. This has 8 points, and may or may not be useful. In Myth it actually can dish good damage on the boss or a myth mob. If more points are put into this, more maximum damage is increased when you use this skill. There’s large damage jump boosts at Lv2, Lv4, Lv6 and Lv8, the max damage raised by 339. Imagine high firepower combined with one of the maximum damage boost blesses, though not needed but adds extra power, along with the status effects, and add Rage Explosion to this too.
Using A – Pressing it rapidly initiates a combo, where it ends with a slam.
Using S – A forceful thrust by drill pushes away enemies.
Using Space – Artitian moves and thrusts forwards, pushing away enemies.
Pros : Can push very well, and has decent damage, as well as endurance frames.
Cons : Can only last 30 seconds each skill level.

True Lab Defense Device D-1 – Summon a machine that fires homing bullets.
This skill, has sharp accurate homing bullets, so you need not worry about aiming (but you still need to worry about being close). Again, stage users should max this, especially Myth because this can be a boss-damage skill. Note this does not have endurance frames. It is fine to drop this skill to 0 or leave it at one. There is only just slight higher damage difference from regular LDD D-1, but the accuracy of this skill makes up for it.
Stage – Max
PvP, Hybrid – 0, Max
Pros :
Better homing accuracy, slightly more damage.
Cons : Not enough damage for more DPS than regular Lab Defense, and has double the CD of it. Also, Rebirth can be disabled in PvP.

True Target Decoy F-5 – Throw a bomb that explodes later.
This, has same leveling range effects as regular TD F-5 but the damage is SUPER high. Max for stagers and myth builds especially. PvP is questionable, because Rebirth can be disabled.
Stage – Max
PvP, Hybrid – 0, Max
Pros :
Very large blast radius, and super high damage. Hits in the certain explosion area hits up to 3 times.
Cons : In PvP, people can run easily from this. Also, Rebirth can be disabled in PvP.

True Missile Support – Call a sky attack of missiles to rain on enemies.
The only difference in the two missile skills is that this skill has larger blast radius, meaning that it will be able to damage nearby enemies close to where the missile lands. Damage is quite higher than regular MS, so you should get this skill definitely if you are a Stage build.
All Builds – 0, Max
Pros :
Gives out a large blast radius and great damage. Lv4 gets Endurance Frames.
Cons : Can be scattered if mobs are not gathered. In PvP, rebirth can be disabled.

True Target Decoy FX2 – Set a target-area then summon a cannon to fire a powerful beam.
Though the cannon beam is narrow, it is very very long, and ULTRA powerful. It’s around half of Arien’s Flame Strike or more. And, due to the number of hits given, it is very powerful. You must max this. PvP builds are questionable, if you are going into Rebirth fights.
Stage & Hybrid – Max
PvP – 0
Pros :
A very strong skill for its number of hits and damage. It also attracts enemies.
Cons : Aim may fail. But not likely.

Refining Section

*No Pure Battle Arta should be getting any of the Refining skills.
**Some Craft Arta Builds may not use all of the Refining skills or Workmanship skills. Invest any other points into battling because the reagents are obtained by Stage/Myth. Due to the points needed for battling, you may not get all of the Refining skills.
***You can grab all of these reagents through spamming Rodesia boxes from Episode 7. Tantalunite, Ruthenium and Adamantium can be obtained through the same way or from the fishing bead quests

Zephyr Stone Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Stone of West Wind.
Basic explanation, you need the Stone of West Wind to either make regular Fortification Stones, or 1 or 2 Zircons. Useless, unless you need the Zircons. Zircons are actually needed for some armor/weapon/item crafts.
At Levels 1-6, you will create Zircon x2, Zircon x1 or Fortification Stone x10. Each level will reduce the % to make Fortification Stones, while raising Zircon x1. At Lv7 it will stop making Fortification Stones and make Zircon x1 at 99%. At Lv8-9 will reduce Zircon x1 chances and raise Zircon x2 chances. At max Level 10 you will create Zircon x2 at 95% or Zircon x3 at 5%.
So with that said, do not max unless you need the Zircons, which is unlikely. You can invest 1 point as a Craft Arta to get a few Fortification Stones, but would you really need the item just to make x10 Fort. Stones when you can simply get it from stage?
All Builds – 0, 1, or Max

Eye of the Seas Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Eye of the Ocean.
Same % chances applies as the Stone of the West Wind, only you use the Eye of the Ocean and you will create Blue Sapphires or Fortification Stones. As a Craft Arta, max only if you need the Blue Sapphires, used for some crafts in the game. 1 point if you feel lazy to get Fortification Stones from stage.
All Builds – 0, 1, or Max

Poison Crystal Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Essence of Deadly Poison.
Same refining stuff applies, only you use Essence of Deadly Poison and create Ambers or Fort. Stones. 1 point again, if you feel lazy to hunt Fortification Stones in Shabby Bags that come by monster drops so easily.
All Builds – 0, 1, or Max

Light of Holy Spirit Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Light of Holy Spirit.
Same stuff, only you use Light of Holy Spirit and make Rubies or Fort. Stones. Rubies are used to make Unbinds, so it’d be a fine profit.
Craft Builds – Max

Thunder Stone Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Thunder Stone.
Same stuff…using Thunder Stone and make Black Crystals/Fort stones instead…and you should know how many point choices…
Craft Builds – 0, 1, Max

Rich Soil Transmutation – Create materials through refining the Dirt of Prosperity.
More same stuff…except you make Sapphires. Sapphires are used to make Unbinds.
Craft Builds – Max

Cryolite Transmutation – Create materials through refining the One Hundred Year Cryolite.
Make Toddmarines.
Craft Builds – 0, 1, Max – Max only if you want to make small amounts of gold bit by bit, but there are plenty other ways to make gold.

Lava Stone Refinement – Create materials through refining the Lava Stone.
Make Emeralds. Emeralds can sell for about 1 Gold, so you might make some money out of this. 2 Emeralds per 1 Lava Stone at max…you can make 2G. Emeralds are also used for a few crafts.
Craft Builds – 0, 1, Max – Max if you want to make small amounts of gold bit by bit, but there are plenty other useful ways to make gold.

Cursed Stone Refinement – Create materials through refining the Cursed Stone.
Make Diamonds. Diamonds also can sell near for 1 Gold. Diamonds are also used to make Unbinds.
Craft Builds – Max

Tantalunite Cannon Creation – Create a cannon out of Tantalunite.
This is something different. However, this is not recommended to get. At the cost of a yellow metal called Tantalunite, you create a summon item that summons a cannon, which of course shoots things near it. It has small HP, and still at max level 9 however, is still weak. It is stronger than the Ruthenium Cannon. It is also the smallest out of the 3 cannons.
Lv1 – You will create a Lv1 T-Cannon x1 at 70% or Fortification Stones x30 at 30%.
Lv2 – You will create a Lv1 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv2 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv3 – You will create a Lv2 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv3 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv4 – You will create a Lv3 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv4 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv5 – You will create a Lv4 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv5 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x40 at 30%.
Lv6 – You will create a Lv5 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv6 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x45 at 30%.
Lv7 – You will create a Lv6 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv7 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x50 at 30%.
Lv8 – You will create a Lv6 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv8 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x55 at 30%.
Lv9 – You will create a Lv6 T-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv9 T-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x60 at 30%.

So, max and try your luck at getting Fortfication Stones because you feel lazy, or get a not-so-useful Tantalunite Cannon. Since Craft Arta builds should be maxing the crafts-making items, you can go ahead and max this so you can make some kind of profit from Fort. Stones.
All Builds – 0 A useless cannon. You can get it for your choice for the fun, but it is not recommended to get.

Ruthenium Cannon Creation – Create a cannon out of Ruthenium.
The same stuff as the Tantalunite Cannon, only we name it the R-Cannon! Made from the blue metal Ruthenium. This cannon is the weakest. It is also the medium sized cannon of the 3.
Lv1 – You will create a Lv1 R-Cannon x1 at 70% or Fortification Stones x30 at 30%.
Lv2 – You will create a Lv1 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv2 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv3 – You will create a Lv2 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv3 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv4 – You will create a Lv3 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv4 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv5 – You will create a Lv4 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv5 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x40 at 30%.
Lv6 – You will create a Lv5 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv6 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x45 at 30%
Lv7 – You will create a Lv6 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv7 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x50 at 30%.
Lv8 – You will create a Lv6 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv8 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x55 at 30%.
Lv9 – You will create a Lv6 R-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv9 R-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x60 at 30%.

All Builds – 0 – Not a useful cannon at all. Not even worth investing points.

Adamantium Cannon Creation – Create a cannon out of Adamantium.
The A-Cannon, made from the green metal Adamantium. This cannon seems to be most powerful from the rest. It is also the largest.
Lv1 – You will create a Lv1 A-Cannon x1 at 70% or Fortification Stones x30 at 30%.
Lv2 – You will create a Lv1 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv2 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv3 – You will create a Lv2 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv3 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv4 – You will create a Lv3 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv4 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x35 at 30%.
Lv5 – You will create a Lv4 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv5 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x40 at 30%.
Lv6 – You will create a Lv5 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv6 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x45 at 30%
Lv7 – You will create a Lv6 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv7 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x50 at 30%.
Lv8 – You will create a Lv6 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv8 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x55 at 30%.
Lv9 – You will create a Lv6 A-Cannon x1 at 50%, Lv9 A-Cannon x1 at 20%, Fort. Stones x60 at 30%.

All Builds – 6, Max – As a Craft Build, max so you can have chances for Fort. Stones or get the somewhat-useful Cannon. It’s the best of the 3 cannons.
**Level 6 because Lv5 has low chances for a Lv6 cannon. You can make a Lv5 cannon more frequent this way. You can throw away the Lv6s or play with them in Myth/Practice Field.

***For basic analysis (how it looks and damages) of the cannons see this video :


Workmanship Section

*A few Battle Builds may get these skills. I recommend only up to just the Special Catalyst or to the Special Dimly Shining Jewel.
**Craft Builds should get these skills.
The “Craft Material” to make the fortification items are obtained from NPC Henry. He is in the north part of the square, between Duran and Diana.

Fortification Stone Creation – Create a stone that is able to fortify accessories.
The specialty of this stone is that it fortifies Support equip and accessories. I will call these fortification items, S. [Stone], S. stands for special. Craft and maybe some battle builds should get this skill. So let’s get to more further info on this skill.
Lv1 creates S. Fort. Stone x5 at 70%, S. Fort Stone x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Fort. Stone x10 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Fort. Stone x15 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Fort. Stone x20 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Fort. Stone x25 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Fort. Stone x30 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Fort. Stone x40 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x20 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Fort. Stone x45 at 70%, S. Fort. Stone x22 at 30%.

Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0 or Max
Craft Builds – Max

Pros : Fortifying Accessories means more stats.
Cons : Eats up skill points for Battle Builds that want to fortify accessories.

Catalyst Creation – Create catalyst that is able to fortify accessories.
Of course, you need the special catalyst to increase the chance of success on fortifying support/accessories. In depth :
Lv1 creates S. Catalyst x5 at 70%, S. Catalyst x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Catalyst x10 at 70%, S. Catalyst x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Catalyst x15 at 70%, S. Catalyst x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Catalyst x20 at 70%, S. Catalyst x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Catalyst x25 at 70%, S. Catalyst x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Catalyst x30 at 70%, S. Catalyst x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Catalyst x40 at 70%, S. Catalyst x20 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Catalyst x45 at 70%, S. Catalyst x22 at 30%.

Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0 or Max
Craft Builds – Max

Pros : You need the catalyst, duh.
Cons : Eats up skill points for Battle Builds that want to fortify accessories.

[U[Dimly Shining Gem Creation[/u] – Create a dimly shining jewel that is able to dimly shine accessories.
Light fortification is involved with Dimly Shining Jewels, and now we can do it on Support/Accessories! In depth is different from the S. Fort. Stones and S. Catalyst:
Lv1 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x5 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x10 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x15 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x20 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x25 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x30 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x35 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x17 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x40 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x20 at 30%.
Lv9 creates S. Dimly Shining Jewel x45 at 70%, S. Dimly Shining Jewel x22 at 30%.

Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0 or Max
Craft Builds – Max
Pros :
Light Fortification means you can fortify your support/accessories even better.
Cons : Chances of success for Dimly fortification is low, like regular Light Fort.

Shining Gem Creation – Create a shining jewel that is able to shine accessories.
Now this time, you create the Shining Jewel, a step above Dimly Shining.
Lv1 creates S. Shining Jewel x5 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Shining Jewel x10 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Shining Jewel x15 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Shining Jewel x20 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Shining Jewel x25 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Shining Jewel x30 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Shining Jewel x35 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x17 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Shining Jewel x40 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x20 at 30%.
Lv9 creates S. Shining Jewel x45 at 70%, S. Shining Jewel x22 at 30%.

Pros : A step above Dimly Shining will give 2 grades, along with much higher stats.
Cons : The chances of getting Shining are slim, though you can reach it without the best catalysts, it is highly possible you’ll break your accessories/support alone by Special Catalyst.

Brightly Shining Gem Creation – Create a brightly shining jewel that is able to brightly shine accessories.
The step above Shining!
Lv1 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x5 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x10 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x15 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x20 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x25 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x30 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x35 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x17 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x40 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x20 at 30%.
Lv9 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x45 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x22 at 30%.

Pros : A step above Shining makes your accessories/support even better.
Cons : The chances of Brightly is so very slim, you’ll break your items without the Dwarven Catalyst.

Cold Shining Gem Creation – Create a cold shining jewel that is able to cold shine accessories.
The final step, and the best one but the chances are so slim you would have to spend heck loads of money to even get to here.
Lv1 creates S. Brightly Shining Jewel x5 at 70%, S. Brightly Shining Jewel x2 at 30%.
Lv2 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x10 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x5 at 30%.
Lv3 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x15 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x7 at 30%.
Lv4 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x20 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x10 at 30%.
Lv5 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x25 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x12 at 30%.
Lv6 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x30 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x15 at 30%.
Lv7 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x35 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x17 at 30%.
Lv8 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x40 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x20 at 30%.
Lv9 creates S. Cold Shining Jewel x45 at 70%, S. Cold Shining Jewel x22 at 30%.

Pros : The final level gives you extreme stats, along with 3 grades added to your accessories/support.
Cons : The chances are so slim you may break your equipment without the Dwarven Catalysts.

Bless Section

Rage Explosion – Increase physical and magical power.
This not only increases physical attacks, but also magical attacks. I recommend at least getting some points in this. If you can’t find points for this, then get it later. Lv10 gives a nice 1 minute use.
Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0, 2, 4, Max
Craft Builds – 0
Pros :
More damage, hello? Plus, it’s for both attributes. You can do more damage by any attack.
Cons : Eats your points, but what the heck? It’s worth it.

Freezing Hammer – Activates Arta’s hammer’s ice mode, making all attacks capable of freezing.
This is basically an addition to dealing damage. At max you get a 20% chance of flinch lock. Yes, flinch lock, not freezing, as well as more maximum damage. I recommend not getting this, because flinch lock is not needed for Arta as you will be pushing a lot. It also has lower maximum damage given at max level. A side note, it makes Arta’s hammer look like Fire and Ice if you combine this with Rage Explosion :3
Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0
Craft Builds – 0
Pros :
More maximum damage and can flinch lock enemies.
Cons : Arta already flinches a lot, so flinching a flinch lock will stop it anyways.

Confusing Hammer – Activates chaos mode, making all attacks capaple of inflicing reverse.
Basically an addition, only with 20% chance of reverse at max. The only good use for this is in PvP, because stage monsters do not get affected by reverse’s effects. This is fine for PvP Artas. Still, reverse is easy to deal with so I still recommend not getting this bless at all.
Battle/Hybrid/Craft – 0
PvP – 0, Max
Pros :
More maximum damage and can inflict reverse.
Cons : Reverse is easily dealt with (unless it’s hard for the other person) and not needed. This is only useful for PvP.

Slowing Hammer – Activate Slow Move mode, making all attacks capaple of inflicting curse.
Curse, in Lunia case, is slowing. So the enemy is slowed by chances of hitting. However, the max gives only 18% chances of inflicting Curse. This is both good for Stage and PvP. It’s good at max because it gives a nice 351 maximum damage addition. That much is actually great, so max it for your battle builds. If it is not enough points, it is fine to leave it. However, I recommend combining this with Rage Explosion, Engineering and Artitan.
All Builds – 0, Max

Ability Section

Mana Increase – Increase MP capacity.
Self explanatory. You have the option to put in all extra points into this, because Arta consumes so much MP. Still, Mana Regeneration is better and how would you find extra points into this other than rebirth?
All Builds – 0~Any
Pros :
More MP. Max level gives a nice 1,000 MP addition.
Cons : Mana Regeneration/Mana Potions are better.

Mana Recovery – Boost rate of mana regeneration.
Self-explanatory once more. Essentially needed. Must max. The max level gives 12 MP regeneration per second. You can also deal with Mana potions (Stage/Mythers only). 0 ONLY if you are Staging/Mything and can deal with the costs of lots of Mana Potions or available Kalis with Song of Recovery.
All Builds – 0, Max
Pros :
You need fast MP for Arta’s large mana consuming skills.
Cons : Takes off 10 SP.

Concentrate – Boost rate of not using mana at a certain percentage.
Like the skill says. You will need to must this at Lv5 for a prerequisite. Though it may seem pointless, it’s actually helpful. Allm made this so you can help with mana costs.
Battle/Hybrid Builds – 5
Craft Builds – 0
Pros :
This at least helps mana at some point.
Cons : Low percentage.

Health Increase – Increase health.
Self-explanatory. Not needed, and not recommended due to the complexity of Arta’s build. However it is nice for some HP, at max gives a nice amount of 900.
Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0, Max
Craft – 0

Pros : More HP.
Cons : Consumes your skill points. Allocate wisely.

Deadly Magic Blow – Boost chances of being able to deal critical hits.
Requires Lv6 Fury Explosion as a Prerequisite. For some reason prerequisites are opposite. You need Lv6 Fury Explosion to get this at Lv1. Sadly, it is not worth it because Lv1 gives 1% boost and Max level gives 9% boost. Could be useful. Max for only if you have extra points.
Battle/Hybrid Builds – 0, 1 Only if you have spare/extra points.
Craft Builds – 0
Pros :
9% is still something. Arta has so many skills that this could be useful.
Cons : Consumes 9 points at max. Not likely needed.

Engineering – Reinforce machine power with upgrading specialization.
Requires Lv5 Concentration as a Prerequisite. The helpful 5 points of Concentration are worth it, because this passive boosts both physical and magical damage. At max gives a nice 34.9% boost.
Battle/Hybrid Builds – Max
Craft Builds – 0
Pros :
More damage, hello?
Cons : What cons are there? Other than it uses 9 skill points.

Lunia Arta Guide Images

We also give random image about Lunia Arta Guide hope you like this, we got this
images from arround the web .

Arta Guide - The Lunia Wiki - Lunia, characters, guides, and more

Arta Guide - The Lunia Wiki - Lunia, characters, guides, and more

Lunia Square: Red Wing guide [Combat Master] - Lunia Square

Lunia Square: Red Wing guide [Combat Master] - Lunia Square

Lunia Yuki

Lunia Yuki

image source :
  • lunia.wikia.com

  • guidescroll.com

  • lunia.wikia.com
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