Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lunia Iris Guide

Below is an article titled Lunia Iris Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.

Lunia Iris Lyndall the Fire Witch Guide by Excrucius aka 3xcru1t1at3r

Iris Lyndall – Fire Witch

Basic attacks

A – Slash forward one time with right dagger.

AA – Slash another time forward with left dagger.

AAA – Extend the right dagger and attack upwards. (No flip) (Only executable when AA hits.)

AAAA – Stab with the left and right dagger consecutively, flipping and jumping forward, while extending both daggers and attack from up to down both at once, a total of 4 hits. (Only executable when AAA hits.)

AS – Flip upwards by extending the right dagger.

AAS – Attack with both extended daggers by swinging them clockwise at 270 degrees. (Only executable when AA hits.)

S – Charge for 1.5 sec, but nothing

S, A – Charge for 1.5 sec, then attacking quickly in front by extending both
daggers at once.

S, S – Charge for 1.5 sec, then swing both extended daggers anti-clockwise at 720 degrees. If opponent is in front of you, there will be a 3rd hit, and it will get flipped.

dAS – Dash forward and attack at close range with right dagger, then flip with the left dagger.

dS – Dash forward and kick with the right leg. (Hard knock down)

dA+S – Sidestep to the left.
dA+S .. S – Sidestep to the left again. (Only works before the slash from dA+S shows)

dA+Space – Sidestep to the right.
dA+Space .. Space – Side step to the right again.

Spacebar – Flip the opponent upwards with both extended daggers. (Will hit enemies on floor and standing.)



Dance of the Undertaker – Wield daggers and attack the enemy in front quickly 4 times. (Level 1 Required) (Physical) (10 seconds CD)
An OK skill. Usually used for Pvping. At level 4 you can dash cancle after the 2nd hit, and it gives lots of height for shifting. I wouldn’t really recommend this for stage/myth since it hits very little. But if you might want to add 1 point to it for the flinch effect of the first 2 hits.
Special Effect : Level 4 – Dash Cancle, Normal Attack Cancle

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 1, 4

Deathly Kiss – Launch the enemy ahead into the air. (Level 2 Required) (Physical) (12 seconds CD)
Another OK skill. The disadvantage is that the attack is very short, maybe 4 hits only. The advantage is that whenever you add SP into that skill, the damage boost is VERY BIG. PvPers may get it at level 4 for skill and dash cancle, but I don’t really see how you can continue with it, unless you space-reset’d it.
Special Effect : Level 4 – Dash Cancle, Skill Cancle

Stage : 0, 1, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 4, Max

Deathly Strike – Hit the enemy with a front kick and strike it back powerfully. (Level 10 Required) (Physical) (20 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill, but PvPers can basically use it as a finishing move. Damage is okay-ish. One of the highest damagers at air combo 8, but only 2 hits. Stage people can use it for short pushback.
Special Effect : Level 4 – Dash Cancle

Stage : 0, 1, Max
PvP : 1, Max

Deathly Clutch – Attack with quickly rotating swords, attacking those that are standing nearby, including those on the floor. (Level 20 Required) (Physical) (20 seconds CD)
Another OK skill too I guess, attacking duration is short, but the advantage is that it hits the enemies on the floor, including the pick up hit. Every hit from rotation is a hard knock down. At level 6 you get Endurance, so maybe that 2-3 seconds can save you.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Endurance frames

Stage : 0, 1, 6, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 6, Max

Deathly Breath – Attack by rising in the air by the strong rotation of chain swords. (Level 30 Required) (Physical) (25 seconds CD)
Finally a good skill! You get lots of air combo with this, IF the first strike hits. But if it doesn’t, don’t worry! The spinning hits will flinch the enemy, and the last strike may still hit. The last strike is a HKD. PvP can use this for the finishing move. It also has a long duration time, so endurance frames is useful.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Endurance Frames

Stage : 6, Max
PvP : 1, 6, Max

True Deathly Clutch – Attack with quickly rotating swords, attacking those that are standing nearby, including those on the floor. (Level 1 RB 1 Required) (Physical) (25 seconds CD)
Another good skill! This is definitely a must max. Hits many many times, and has a 3-4 second endurance frame at level 6! It picks up enemies too, and knocks them down again.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Endurance Frames

Stage : 6, Max
PvP : 1, 6, Max

True Deathly Kiss – Attack by rotating in front, launching the enemy into the air. (Level 1 RB 1 Required) (Physical) (20 seconds CD)
One of the best skills. The total damage is almost the same as Explosion of Inflammation at Max. This time it has a longer rotating duration than the normal one, and at the end it has a great height boost. The flipping action at the end, hits enemies on the ground too, unlike the normal one.
Special Effect : Level 4 – Dash Cancle, Skill Cancle

Stage : 4, Max
PvP : 1, 4, Max


Crimson Flame – Launch shots of flame quickly. (Level 5 Required) (Fire) (12 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill, considering it hits once only. 15 Induction at level 6 is somewhat okayish. Another advantage is that it travels 165 distance, so you can hit a target far away.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Induction increases from 1 to 15.

Stage : 0, 1, 6, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 6, Max

Blood and Judgment – Launch 3 quick fire shots. (Level 20 Required) (Fire) (20 seconds CD)
An OK skill, but I’ll only get it if I have spare SP, although it hits quite high at max. 1) It has no induction. 2) It only travels a range of 78. 3) It doesn’t give air combo. 4) It goes under enemy if enemy too high. 5) No special effects.
Special Effect : Skill Cancle

Stage : 0, 1, Max
PvP : 0, 1, Max

Crimson Explosive Lime – Summon a giant Lime bomb that explodes. (Level 30 Required) (Fire) (30 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill. You could get this for the push back, since it’s extremely huge. If you are hit by the explosion at the end, you will get stunned for 5 seconds.
Special Effect : None

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Crimson Fire – Summon several fires dropping from the sky. (Level 40 Required) (Fire) (25 seconds CD)
An OK skill for mob control. Damage is spread out. At level 6 you get endurance frames for 1-2 seconds. Other than that I wouldn’t get it.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Endurance Frames

Stage : 0, 1, 6
PvP : 0, 1, 6

Crimson Hellfire – Dangle the enemy in the air by summoning a large exploding bomb. (Level 50 Required) (Fire) (20 seconds CD)
Another great skill. At level 1 it has 20 induction. At level 2 it has 25, 3 has 30… and onwards. Which means at level 9 (max), it’ll has 60 induction, which is ALOT. It’ll follow the enemy like crazy and can even stay on a non-flinchable target. Beware though, it’ll go randomly. The end blast gives quite a number of height.
Special Effect : Every 1 level adds 5 induction

True Crimson Fire – Summon several fires dropping from the sky, ending with an powerful explosion. (Level 1 RB 1 Required) (Fire) (25 seconds CD)
Same as the normal one, only that it goes boom at the end, and will slowly catch up with the damage. Maybe for mob control too, or on a big boss like Foriel. Endurance Frame is at level 9. Since it’s only 2 SP from the max (11), if you have spare SP you might want the extra damage.
Special Effect : Level 9 – Endurance Frames

Stage : 0, 1, 9, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 9, Max


Flaming Fury – Jump forward to the enemy an attack with an explosion (Level 10 Required) (Physical) (15 seconds CD)
Not really a good skill, considering it hits once per enemy only, and the damage is average (among other skills). There are no special effects like endurance etc, so when casting you have to be careful, as it takes about 1 second to cast, leaving you vulnerable. The advantage is that if the enemy gets hit, it will get knocked backwards. So it could be used for pushing.
Special Effect : None

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Dance of Flames – Generate a strong circle of flames around you. (Level 20 Required) (Physical) (40 seconds CD)
A very good skill. Although it hits average, it hits 6 times for the flames ONLY. If you include the first-casting hit, that’s seven. When you first cast, before the you turn around, the first flame hits already. The casting hit flips enemies, and flinches semi-bosses (those without the hp bar at the bottom, there’s lots of them in M5). You can dash cancle after you cast it, maybe after 2 seconds. Another advantage is that it hits air monsters. Cool. So basically IF you can get a monster to flip, and you’re near a wall. You can basically spam him to death if you have 6k dex. Disadvantage is that the duration is short.
Special Effect : None

Stage : 1, Max
PvP : 1, Max

Flaming Nightmare – Wield a powerful explosive bomb, then throw it infront and exploding it. (Level 30 Required) (Physical) (15 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill. You summon a bomb, smashing in front of you, and that smash does damage. You drag it back counter-clockwise, and then you smash it in front of you again. When you drag it, and the opponent happens to be in the bomb’s way, the opponent will get damaged too, but the damage will be approximately half of what the first smash damage. The final smash has the same damage as the first, and it hits enemies on floor too. The good thing is that is had Endurance frames at level 6, so you can survive for 2-3 seconds.
Special Effect : Level 6 – Endurance Frames

Stage : 0, 1, 6
PvP : 0, 1, 6

Flaming Deathmines – Put mines on the floor that explode in flames (Level 50 Required) (Physical) (18 seconds CD)
Somewhat good skill. It’s like Eir’s Dodge, only that it’s not instant casting, and you go backwards, and monsters don’t fly to the sky. Damage Range is quite big, like Slime’s Freezing skill. An advantage is that it slows enemies if they get hit. At level 1, they get slowed by 5%, 2 at 10%, 3 at 15% etc. So at max level 9, they get slowed down by 45%. A trick with this is that the starting cast motion, is the same as Crimson Disaster, so you can bluff your enemies.
Special Effect : Every 1 level adds 5% Slow to enemy

Stage : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Max

Inferno – Jump forward and explode a wide range of powerful flames. (Level 60 Required) (Physical) (90 seconds CD)
Extremely good skill. Though I wouldn’t recommend maxing, damage increase isn’t that good. I’ll max it if I have spare SP though. It has invincibility frames the moment you cast it, and it ends somewhere when you go BOOOM. It also travels over enemies, so you can basically go inside a boss and spam Dance of Flames if you have 6k Dex.
Special Effect : None

Stage : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Max
PvP : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Max

True Flaming Fury – Jump forward to the enemy and attack with a wider range of explosion. (Level 50 Total 90 RB 1 Required) (Physical) (40 seconds CD)
Not really a good skill. Although it hits more than the normal one, it takes 2 seconds to hit. What is good is that it hits more, and IF it hits, the enemy can get flipped high (if it is flippable). You also have a short invincible frame when you’re in the air, but it’s hard to time. The range is like a triangle, with the pointy side facing you. You travel further too, so you have to predict the distance. I’ll probably get this at 1 SP for the lols, but any level is good, since the damage range is large and damage is above average. As for PvP I wouldn’t get Max, since it’s a RB skill. Maybe just 1, if they allow RB.
Special Effect : None

Stage : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Max
PvP : 0, 1


Deathly Dealings – Consume your HP to increase your Physical Damage. (Level 10 Required) (120 seconds CD)
Great skill. You use HP to increase physical damage by 30%. Thing is, duration is short, and cd is long. Use it wisely. I wouldn’t get it for PvP though, since even if you use 1%, it only lasts 10 second, and if it’s max, it uses 8% hp, which is quite alot.

Level 1 : 1% total HP use, 10 second
Level 2 : 2% total HP use, 15 second
Level 3 : 4% total HP use, 20 second
Level 4 : 6% total HP use, 25 second
Level 5 : 8% total HP use, 30 second

Stage : Any
PvP : 0

Tip : If you do NOT have 6k dex, here’s a tip. When you’re low on HP and MP, change to your stage set, and use Deathly Dealings, then change back. The effect will still be there, and you’ll use little HP. Reason why I said low MP, is because when you change, and you have more MP than your stage set can carry, the extra MP will be gone when you change back.

Level 1 is 1.3 times better than Level 2.
Level 1 is 2 times better than Level 3.
Level 1 is 2.4 times Level 4.
Level 1 is 2.6 times better than Level 5.
(These statements do not include CD Factor.)

Deathly Grace – Use MP to give HP to you and your party members. (Level 20 Required) (180 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill. It’s like Life Extension. Only that you use MP to heal, and it lasts 60 seconds. At level 2 and 3 it requires Fire Plant. Range of casting is 50.

Level 1 : 74 MP, 600 HP+
Level 2 : 112 MP, 700 HP+, 1 Fire Plant
Level 3 : 150 MP 800 HP+, 2 Fire Plants

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Tip : If you have 6k Dex, you can just get this at level 1, and spam this skill to get 600 HP per use.

Spiritual Bargain – Consume your MP to give HP to your party. (Level 30 Required) (180 seconds CD)
A good skill for not-being-able-to-die, because it is like endless. At 0 hp, you’ll still heal HP. It is continous, not at once. Even if you have 0 MP, HP will still heal. It lasts for 30 seconds. You can also use HP Potions in exchange. Your friends’ MP gets drained too.

Level 1 : 80 MP cast, 7 MP per second, 13 HP+ per second; 290 MP total, 390 HP+ total
Level 2 : 94 MP cast, 8 MP per second, 17 HP+ per second; 334 MP total, 510 HP+ total
Level 3 : 107 MP cast, 10 MP per second, 20 HP+ per second; 407 MP total, 600 HP+ total
Level 4 : 121 MP cast, 12 MP per second, 23 HP+ per second; 481 MP total, 690 HP+ total
Level 5 : 135 MP cast, 13 MP per second, 27 HP+ per second; 525 MP total, 810 HP+ total
Level 6 : 149 MP cast, 15 MP per second, 30 HP+ per second; 599 MP total, 900 HP+ total

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Tip :
Level 1 Comparison : Deathly Grace is 6 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Level 2 Comparison (Neglecting Reagents) : Deathly Grace is 4 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Level 3 Comparison (Neglecting Reagents) : Deathly Grace is 3.6 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Deathly Grace Level 3 VS Spiritual Bargain Level 4 (Neglecting Reagents) : Deathly Grace is 3.7 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Deathly Grace Level 3 VS Spiritual Bargain Level 5 (Neglecting Reagents) : Deathly Grace is 3.45 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Deathly Grace Level 3 VS Spiritual Bargain Level 6 (Neglecting Reagents) : Deathly Grace is 3.5 times better than Spiritual Bargain.


Deathly Grace Level 1 VS Spiritual Bargain Level 6 : Deathly Grace is 5.4 times better than Spiritual Bargain.

Unholy Sacrifice – Consume your HP to give MP to your party. (Level 40 Required) (180 seconds CD)
Not a really good skill too. You can always use MP Pots. It lasts 30 seconds too. The only reason I’ll get this is to heal my party’s MP, but their HP gets drained too. Maybe 1 point for the lols too. I don’t recommend in PvP, since it drains quite a lot of HP in 30 seconds.

Level 1 : 188 MP cast, 12 HP per second, 20 MP+ per second; 360 HP total; 412 MP+ total
Level 2 : 208 MP cast, 15 HP per second, 25 MP+ per second; 450 HP total; 524 MP+ total
Level 3 : 227 MP cast, 18 HP per second, 30 MP+ per second; 540 HP total; 673 MP+ total
Level 4 : 245 MP cast, 22 HP per second, 35 MP+ per second; 660 HP total; 805 MP+ total
Level 5 : 265 MP cast, 25 HP per second, 40 MP+ per second; 750 HP total; 935 MP+ total
Level 6 : 285 MP cast, 28 HP per second, 45 MP+ per second; 840 HP total; 1065 MP+ total
Level 7 : 308 MP cast, 32 HP per second, 50 MP+ per second; 960 HP total; 1192 MP+ total
Level 8 : 330 MP cast, 35 HP per second, 55 MP+ per second; 1050 HP total; 1320 MP+ total
Level 9 : 351 MP cast, 38 HP per second, 60 MP+ per second; 1140 HP total; 1449 MP+ total

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0

Tip : Extra Large Mana Potions is waaay better than this.

Blessing Tip :

Deathly Grace can cancle any level of Spiritual Bargain.
Unholy Sacrifice can cancle any level of Spiritual Bargain.
Spiritual Bargain can cancle any level of Deathly Grace.
Unholy Sacrifice can cancle any level of Deathly Grace.
Spiritual Bargain can cancle Level 1 Unholy Sacrifice.
Deathly Grace can cancle Level 1 Unholy Sacrifice.
When Unholy Sacrifice is Level 2, nothing can cancle it, not even Spiritual Bargain level 6, or Deathly Grace level 3.
Deathly Dealings stacks with any other bless.

Abilities (Apparently they gave CD to them too lol, but they’re passive so you don’t have to worry. The CD they gave was 3 seconds to all lol.)

Mana Increase – Increases Maximum Mana. (Level 10 Required)
Not really needed. She doesn’t eat lots of MP anyway.

Every level adds 100 MP. Maximum of 10 Levels.

Stage : 0
PvP : 0

Mana Recovery – Regenerates Mana. (Level 20 Required)
You can add if you want, but like I said, she doesn’t eat a lot of MP and you’re better off with a MP potion. In the end, it depends on whether you’re the spamming type.

Level 1 heals 3 MP per second.
Level 2 heals 4 MP per second.

Level 10 heals 12 MP per second.

Stage : Vary
PvP : Vary

Concentrate- Gives a certain chance not to use MP when casting a spell. (Level 30 Required)
Not really needed too, explained why before. You can add 1 point for the lucky 2%.

Every level gives another 2%.

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Health Increase – Increase Maximum Stamina. (Level 40 Required)
Depends on whether you die fast or not lol. This will Vary too.

Every level gives 100 HP. Maximum of 9 Levels.

Stage : Vary
PvP : Vary

Deadly Blow – Increases the chance of giving a critical hit to an enemy. (Level 50 Required)
Not really needed too. You can add 1 for the 2%.

Level 1 gives 2%
Level 2 gives 3%

Level 9 gives 10%

Stage : 0, 1
PvP : 0, 1

Chain Sword Mastery – Increases Physical Damage. (Level 30 Required)
Yes, this is a must max. Gives a heck load of damage.

Level 1 gives 5%
Level 2 gives 7%

Level 10 gives 23%
Level 13 gives 27%

Stage : Max
PvP : Max

Fire Mastery – Increases Fire Damage. (Level 40 Required)
Yes, this is also a must max. Gives another heck load of damage.

Level 1 gives 10%
Level 2 gives 13%

Level 9 gives 34%
Level 11 gives 40%

Stage : Max
PvP : Max


Ultimate Broadside of Amphitrite – Summon a Ship from the ground, causing explosions to the side of it. (Level 85 Total 180 RB 1 Required) (Fire) (150 seconds CD)
What must I say? THIS SKILL IS PURE HAX. I’m not sure if you can use it in PvP, because people may disallow RB.

Stage : 1
PvP : 0, 1

Sharing my work : You can save my work, print it out, and show it to other people.
Reputation : A lot of time and effort has been used to make this. Please share your thanks by giving reputation in one way or another.
Plagiarism : Do not take this guide as your own.
Provide Attribution : If you must share it with others, you must give me credit as the source.
Noncommercial : You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Opinion : This guide is for reference only. Do not blame me if the outcome is not what you desire or want.

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Iris Guide - The Lunia Wiki - Lunia, characters, guides, and more

Lunia Iris

Lunia Iris

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Tia Guide - The Luni…

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