Tuesday, September 3, 2013

MechQuest Equipment Specials and Effects Guide

Below is an article titled MechQuest Equipment Specials and Effects Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.

MechQuest Equipment Specials and Effects Guide by DragonYugi


This Guide is just a basic explanation of the Equipment Specials and special Effects that are in MechQuest. From more of the common ones such as DoT or Damage over Time to not so well known ones such as Boost to Hit. To reduce the redundancy of this guide I’m just going to list now that a weapon can have more than one or a combo of these effects. For example, a weapon can have both a Damage over Time effect and a Nerf over Time effect.

Here’s a key:
[Rare] – Meaning this effect only belongs to equipment or mechs that are currently Rare and unobtainable.
[Limited] – Meaning this effect is owned by a handful of mechs or mech series.

You should also know that the exact formula for most of these have not been released so don’t ask or bother staff about it. When they want to release MQ Game formula they will, until then you play with a general idea like the rest of us. :P

Mecha equipment are not limtied to only one of these specials. An item, Eagle stare for example, can do both a DoT and a Buff over Time!

Also, some items, like the Shako of Ice, can do both a Buff over Time and a Nerf over Time.

Table of Contents

[*]Bonus to Hit
[*]Boost to Hit
[*]Extra Hit
[*]Damage over Time
[*]Damage Per Turn
[*]Buffing and Nerfing
- Buff and Nerf List
[*]Buffing and Nerfing over Time
[*]Immobility Resistance
[*]Disabling Parts
[*]Destroying Parts[Limited]
[*]Reflective Damage[Limited]
[*]Cool down Increase/Decrease
[*]Prevented Healing[Limited]
[*]EP/HP Drain/Heal
[*]Status Purge[Rare]
[*]Star Captain Bonus
[*]Final Hit
[*]House Bonus
a. WolfBlade
b. RuneHawk
c. MystRaven

[*]Bonus to Hit – Often referred to as “BtH” your Bonus to hit will determine whether or not you actually can connect to your opponent. Meaning the less Bonus to Hit you have the more you will miss your opponent, they less your opponent has the less they can hit you. The more Bonus to Hit you have the higher chance of a direct hit you will have on your opponent which in the end means more damage. Decreasing your opponent’s BtH is more of a defensive strategy to ensure you will take less damage.

[*]Boost to Hit – While not as well known as Bonus to Hit, Boost to Hit is like Bonus. One of the main differences between Boost and Bonus is that Boost is a increase in damage on hit, not accuracy.

[*]Extra Hit – Some weapons come with a ability to do an Extra Hit. For example, with Pirate Admiral’s Shark Laser has a chance of pulling off an extra hit. When it happens a pop-up saying “Pulse Multiplier – Extra Shot” and the damage done is still within the weapon’s limit. Meaning it’s not like DoT.

With physical ammo you have chance of doing “Over-cranking.” This will result in a extra hit while there’s a chance of doing more than one hit when Over-cranking, the current max is 2 extra hits. Please note that “Over-cranking” is not ammo-run.

[*]Damage over Time – Commonly referred to as “DoT.” Damage over Time is a set damage that is done over a set amount of terms. A weapon’s damage over time appears at the top of the screen like a pop-up indicating that the damage is taking place. For example MystRaven’s Front Arm weapon causes “Laceration!” which does damage over time. Some DoTs do double damage!

[*]Damage Per Turn – While sometimes confused with Damage over Time, DPT or Damage Per Turn is actually different. Damage Per Turn often refers to damage that can be or is done within a single turn.

[*]Buffing and Nerfing – A “buff” is overall an increase, while a “nerf” is a decrease. Buffs and Nerfs don’t just occur on damage, but also can work on Stats. A good example of Stat buffs are the recently added Mods. Though these turns are not really used that much in game they are used on forum. During the old equipment sweep items may be buffed or nerfed.

Things that can be buffed or nerfed:
- Almost every special effect in this thread.
- Stats.

[*]Buffing and Nerfing over Time – Much like Damage over Time(see above) there are weapons that induced a Nerf or a Buff over time on your enemy or yourself. Jameson VI’s body attack, Scary Bodyslam VI, has the ability to nerf your opponent a certain amount per turn. This a Nerf over Time. Eagle stare is a good example of Buffing over Time.

[*]Immobility Resistance – Some mechs come with a Immobility Resistance. There are also mecha equipment that increases your Immobility resistance like the Web Walker Head. This is your mech’s ability to not be Stunned or Stopped by your opponent. The higher your Immobility Resistance the more resilient you are to being stunned. Also, some items can actually lower someone’s immobillity resist and some energy strikes can also be resisted.

[*]Stunning – Actually referred to as “Frozen/Stunned/Paralyzed/Etc.” Stunning is when the mech is halted for one or more turns while the opposing mech is free to continue. More or less it is like skipping either your or your opponent’s turn. These skipped turns give the player an opportunity to take advantage of the battle. Stunning can also be resisted.

[*]Disabling Parts – Disabled parts are parts that you are unable to use during the course of the battle. Parts that are disabled are not destroyed, but are instead still there and have a cool down set to a certain amount until it can be used again.

[*]Destroying Parts[Limited] – Destroying parts is exactly what is sounds like. When you destroy a part in MQ you loose that part for the entire game until you can re-equip it(which shouldn’t be difficult at all). After it is hit it is removed and you’re completely unable to use it. The only parts that cannot be destroyed are Mods and the Mech Chassis(body).

[*]Reflective Damage[Limited] – Reflective damage is exactly as it sounds. Damage done to you that is reflected on to your enemy, it is not the exact damage dealt, but a fraction. An example would be the Powermerged War Armor V5 ‘s Body ability “Drakel Sanctus Sphere.” Also the reflected damage can not Destroy the opponent if it went under 0 HP. This special can not reflect DoTs.

[*]Cool Down Increase/Decrease – Weapons like the Rare Arachnid Web launchers had the ability to disable your weapons and increase the cool down making it harder to use that weapon. On the other hand weapons that lower your cool down like the Kelvin head series completely remove your cool down.

[*]Critical – Or “Crit.” A Critical is hit of greater damage. While there is always a random chance of a critical strike, there are ways to increase the chances. One of these ways depends on the weapon itself. For example the Pirate Captain’s Ye Old Missiles shoots five missiles each critical chance is increased per missile. 1 = 10%, 2 = 20%, 3 = 30%, so and so forth.

Some mecha equipments come with a Built-in critical chance. With a built-in critical, you have a higher chance of performing a critical then you do with a weapon without one. An example of one would be the Fierce Beta Lance.

It has been proven that the Luck stat can increase Critical chances.

[*]Combos – Combos are a combination of weapons used uniquely to create a “Combo.” These combos usually come with a special effect or added bonus to it. So far Zargon’s Geekatrons were the first to bring this in game with combos like Geekatron Biped body + Scanner Blade + Clusters will equal a bonus for your mech. Some consider it an advanced strategy.

[*]Prevented Healing[Limited] – Some equipment possess the ability to prevent HP or EP healing. This effect can either last one turn or more. For example the Forensic Defender’s Back Arm, FT GPD Sig can prevent EP regeneration for 2 turns.

[*]EP and HP Drain/Heal – Currently in MQ there are certain equipment that possess the ability to drain or heal HP and EP. A unique case is the Hunter Wraith which needs to drain ghosts in order to restore it’s HP while restoring EP by being hit. Also besides dodging its healing attack, you can not stop an opponent from healing itself.

[*]Status Purge[Rare] – A Status purge is when you clear all of the status effects brought onto you by your enemy. If you’re plagued with a nerfed Bonus to Hit and are taking Damage over time a Status purge will clear all that. The head equipment, Shadow Purge, has said ability.

[*]Star Captain Bonus – A Star Captain Bonus or “SCB” are bonuses to equipment that only Star Captains can use. For example the Rage Head is a Non-SC item that gives a SC bonus to uses who are StarCaptains.

[*]Final Hit – Some weapons or mecha come with the ability to destroy your opponent in one hit. For example the Rare Insane Clown Mecha’s Head Weapon, UFO Head, comes with the StarCaptain-only ability to destroy your opponent in one hit. The chances are low to get said ability.

[*]House Bonus: – Some House only bonuses consist of the Annual G.E.A.R.S Games awards or recently added House equipment. This type of equipment can be bought and used, but not at it’s full potential. When you are using a House Mecha and equipping House-specific gear it unlocks it’s full abilities. A pop-up should occur when equipping House-only items to a Non-House mecha telling you that the bonus is off.
1. WolfBlade – Coming soon.
2. RuneHawk – Coming soon.
3. MystRaven – Coming soon.

Thanks to the following for helping construct the original guide:
Clyde, Maegwyn, $$archie$$, Yagno2000, Kamui, Sir_Gnome, PaperClip of DOOM, Z.234, blues.

Thanks to the following for helping add to the guide:
zeke50100, ZamuelNow, hauntar, #13, Shocka, Kangi, forumlogin.

MechQuest Equipment Specials And Effects Guide Images

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  • guidescroll.com

  • forums2.battleon.com

  • guidescroll.com
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