Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Megaten DC Memory Guide

Below is an article titled Megaten DC Memory Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.

Megaten DC Memory Guide by mexmer

many memories can be obtained by killing appropriate demon (like memory for jack frost, caith sith, slime, and so on). there are also some demons, which you normaly can’t find on map or dungeon, because they can be obtained only trough fusion. and some memories, can be not only dropped, but purchased.

for those, who want to know, but don’t want to participate, link to wiki (from echonull)
which should be possibly complete
(though, i will continue in this ;o))


DC memories in cathedral, yagi and saint germain are mostly between 100 and 5k macca, but there are exemptions
if there is ASC after moon phase, it means acending moon (going to full), if there is DSC after moon phase, i means descending moon (going to new)

Cathedral Of Shadows
Home 3 – Kodama, Pixie
Babel – Poltergeist, Nozuchi, New moon – Cu Chu Lain (80k), 3/8, 5/8 – Hel (85k)
Protopia – New, Half – Senri, Mot (200k), 1/8 – Chernobog(110k), 2/8,3/8 – Sleipnir (110k), 5/8 – Senri, 6/8 – Queen Mab(100k), Full – Hayagriva(100k)
Shorouzan – Gaki, Mou Ryou, 7/8 ASC – Quazoceotl, Okunikushi, Loki, Full Moon – Aquans, Loki (120k), Surt(135k), Okuninushi(110k), Quazoceotl(100k)
Arcadia – Angel, Apsaras, Full – Aquans, New – Sati (100k), Camazotz (120k), Odin (130k), Uriel (150k), 1/8 Moon- Sati (100k), Camazotz (120k), Odin (130k)

Ground Camp – New – Ghandarva, Full – Bucca Boo
Suginami Bronze – Ertrys
Suginami Silver – Shiisaa
Suginami Express – Full – Lillim(5k), New, 1/8 – Black Ooze (3k)
Nakano – New – Kelpie, Full – Bicorn
Shibuya – New, Full – Knocker
Ceru Bronze – Aeries
Ceru Silver – Hathor
Ceru Express – 6/8 ASC – Onkot(3k)
Shibuya Quarz Bronze – Feng-Huang(Hou-ou), Ertrys, Aeries, Hathor, Shiisaa
Shibuya Quarz Express – 7/8 – Elf(3k)

Saint Germain (NPC in Shinjiku)
(shop is available only if you have ocultism quest completed, and aquired synthesis chain)
1/8, 7/8 – Lamia
2/8, 6/8 – Nandi
3/8, 5/8 – Qillin
Half – Eligor
New – Yata Garasu

Shohouzan Wars
10 awards – Pa Bil Sag, Nidhogger
100 awards – Kali
Lotery – Pa Bil Sag, Nidhogger, ?Valkyrie?

Arcadia Wars
Lotery – Pa Bil Sag, Virtue
10 awards – Pa Bil Sag, Virtue
100 awards – Dominion

G1 Trials
600 seals – Troll
900 seals – Power
600 seals – Kopa Tengu
900 seals – Power
Shibuya Quarz
600 seals – Harpy
900 seals – Power
Ichigaya Camp
600 seals – Momunofu
900 seals – Power

Confirmed drops (demons, that drop their own memory)
Bai Ze – Giant Bai Ze (ichigaya field boss)
Black Ooze – Nightmare Black Ooze
Caith Sith – Caith Sith, Unseasoned Caith Sith, Turbulent Incantation of Caith Sith (big kitty)
Cerberus – Nightmare Cerberus (Sugi Gold), Deformed Cerberus
Chatter Skull – Nightmare Chatter Skull (Ichi gold)
Datsue Ba
Fenrir – Nightmare Fenrir (Sugi Gold), deformed Fenrir
Garm – Garm, Unseasoned Garm
Hua Po – Hua Po (only shibuya), Adept Hua Po
Unseasoned Inugami
Jack Frost – Jack Frost, Unseasoned Jack Frost, Rainbow Victory Jack Frost, Deformed Jack Frost, Nightmare Jack Frost
Jack O’Lantern (Pyro Jack) – Pyro Jack, Adept Pyro Jack
Kikuri-Hime – Kikuri-Hime Boss (Ichi Bronze), Nightmare Kikuri-Hime (Ichi Gold)
Legion – Boss Legion (suzaku cavern bronze)
Oberon – Oberon, Unseasoned Oberon (shibuya quarz)
Onmoraki – Onmoraki, Deformed Onmoraki
Sarasvati – Sarasvati (ichi comp hack only)
Slime – Unseasoned Slime
Spector – Nightmare Spector
Titania – Titania (ichi comp hack only)
Will ‘O’ Wisp
Yomotsu-Shikome – Yomotsu Shikome (Ichi comp hack only)

Other drops (demons that drops others memory)
Artemis – Boss Slime (Shinjiku comp)
Baphomet – Boss Slime (Shinjiku comp)
Bishamoten – Yaksa (boss guard ichi gold)
Cu Sith – Boss Oberon (H3 comp)
Furiae – Boss Furiae(shibuya quarz)
Inugami – Boss Oni (groundcamp comp)
Jikokuten – Ghandarva (boss guard ichi gold)
Koumokuten – Pissaca (boss guard ichi gold)
Mothman – Mini-Boss Ortrus (sugi gold). Mini-Boss Cerberus (sugi gold)
Ogre – Boss Hathor(Ceru bronze)
Omoikane – Boss Slime (Shinjiku comp)
Taraqsue – Boss Odin (ceru silver)
Yaksini – Boss Arahabaki (ichi silver)
Zouchoten – Kumhanuba (boss guard ichi gold), Gaki (boss guard ichi gold)

Negotiaion Gift
Alp – Alp
Dis – Dis
Ghoul – Ghoul
Isora – Isora
Naga – Naga, Unseasoned Naga
Slime – Unseasoned Slime

Quest Memory
Angel – quest Lucky Days from girl in arcadia (near entrance)
Archangel – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for messian traesto
Caellano – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for messian traesto
Coc.katrice – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for gaian traesto
Datsue Ba – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for gaian traesto
Flamies – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for gaian traesto, reward for mesian traesto
Gaki – quest from priest Nigon in Shorouzan
Hua Po – quest from DB near teminal in Shinjiku
Jack Frost – quest Troubled pixie from pixie before H3 entrance
Karasu Tengu – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for gaian traesto
Kodama – quest in H3 cathedral from memory seller (can’t recall name of quest)
Kushinada Hime – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for gaian traesto
Macha – junkerman quest, reward for knocker with dia
Nekomata – junkerman quest, reward for knocker media
Ocypete – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for messian traesto
Pixie – quest in H3 cathedral from memory seller (can’t recall name of quest)
Principality – card maniac (h3 terminal) quest, reward for messian traesto
Setanta – junkerman quest, reward for knocker media
Succubus – junkerman quest, reward for dwarf with 99 needles
Sudama – junkerman quest, reward for knocker with dia/media

Dwarf – Shibuya (near ceru)
Fomorian – Ichigaya (NW part)
Shikigami – Suginami (near nakano entrance)
Spector – Ueno
Will’O'Wisp – Nakano
Zhen – Shinagawa

Badb Catha – wooden box in catacombs bronze
Couatlicue (1k) – Accessory seller in Shohouzan, with haistyle sold in shop
Gyuki (1k) – Accessory seller in babel, with haistyle sold in shop
Jatayu (1k) – Accessory seller in Arcadia, with haistyle sold in shop
Ortrus (1k) – Accessory seller in Home 3, with haistyle sold in shop
Vetala – wooden box in catacombs bronze(new moon)
Yakka – wooden box in suzaku cavern bronze
Suzaku (Zhu Que) – treasure box in suzaku cavern bronze

Megaten DC Memory Guide Images

We also give random image about Megaten DC Memory Guide hope you like this, we got this
images from arround the web .

image source :
  • guidescroll.com

  • guidescroll.com

  • waatpp.it
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