Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ninjawaz Synthesis Formula Guide

Below is an article titled Ninjawaz Synthesis Formula Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.

Ninjawaz Synthesis Formula Guide by chibii


Synthesisisizing cost 10 stones plus an additional 10 stones for every time you use it, but every day the cost resets back to 10

0s = items with synthesis value 21 or lower;
1s = items with synthesis value between 22 to 30;
2s = items with synthesis value between 31 to 38 or a pet30;
3s = items with synthesis value between 39 to 45 or a pet40;
4s = items with synthesis value of 46 and above;
Bounded items cannot be unbounded
To fuse an unbounded item, you must have unbounded items on the main item and both catalyst, or else the final outcome will be a bound item:


*(Beer) + (1s) + (1s) = (1.6x EXP Mark (90%))
*(Beer) + (Anonymous name card) + (1s) = (1.6x EXP Mark (80%))
*(Riceball) + 2s + 2s = (1.6x EXP Mark (60%))
*(Sausage) + 2s + 2s = (1.6x EXP Mark (60%))
*(Sausage) + 2s + 2s = (Roast Pig)
*(Roast Pig) + 2s + 2s = (Whole Wheat Bread)
*(Eternal Focus potion(any type)) + (1s) + (1s) = (Konoha Arcanum)
*(Konoha Arcanum) + (1s) + (1s) = (Toad Arcanum)
*(Pet food from shop) + (1s) + (1s) = (Another pet food (could be one with greater feeding value))
*(Premium Chakra Candy) + 2s + 2s = (Curry Beef Rice)
*(Grocery pet food (any)) + (Grocery pet food) + (Grocery pet food) = (eggplant)
*(eggplant) + (eggplant) + (eggplant) = (corn )
*(Kebab) + 2s + 2s = (Sushi)
*(eggplant) + (1s) + (1s) = (pepper)
*(corn) + (corn) + (corn) = (pepper (180 hunger))
*(pepper) + (pepper) + (pepper) = (pepper)
*(corn) + (1s) + (1s) = (pepper / low chance for another food)
*(Grocery Store Food )+ 1S + 1S =( Chili (99%))
*(Chili) + 2s + 2s = (Watermelon (55%))
*(Apple)+2s+2s=(1.6 exp mark(blue)) 100%


Grey Suit
Grey Suit + 1s + 1s = blue suit (40%)
Grey Suit + 2s + 2s = Blue Suit (70%)

Blue Suit
Blue Suit + Blue Suit + Blue Suit = Orange Suit (40%)
Blue Suit + 2s + 2s = orange Suit (20%)
Blue Suit + Blue Suit + 3s = orange suit (70%)
Blue Suit + 3s + 3s = orange Suit (80%)
Blue Suit + 3s + Lucky Gem = Orange Suit (90%)
Blue Suit + Annonymous Name Card + Annonymous Name Card = Grey Suit (90%)
Blue Suit + 4s+Lucky Gem = orange suits

Orange Suit
Blue Suit + 2S + 3S = Orange Suit (30%)
Blue Suit + 3S + 3S = Orange Suit (60%)
Blue Suit + 3S + Lucky Gem = Orange Suit (70%)
Orange Suit + 1S + 1S = Orange Suit (90%)
Orange Suit + 2S + 2S = Orange Suit (100%)


2 Stat blue Equip
1s + 1s + 1s = 2s (40%)
1s + pet30 + pet30 = 2s (80%)
1s + 1s + 1.6x EXP Mark = 2s (60%)
2s + 1s + 1s = 2s (99%)

3 Stat Orange Equip
2s + 2s + 2s = 3s (20%)
3s + 1s + 1s = 3s (90%)

4 Stat Gold Equip
3s + 2s + 2s = 4s (10%)
3s + 3s + 3s = 4s (20%)
3s + 3s + lucky gem = 4s (30%)
3s + orange outfit + lucky gem = 4s (45%)
3s + National Cup trophy + Lucky Gem = 4s (70%)
4s + 30 synth value pet + 30 synth value pet = 4s (70%)
4s + 2s + 2s  = 4s (80%)


pet30 + (0s) + (0s) = (Another pet30)
pet30 + (1s) + (1s) = (Another pet30)
pet30 + 2s + 2s = (pet40 (30%))
pet30 + 3s + 3s = (pet40 (60%))
pet40 + (1s) + (1s) = (Another pet40 (100%))
pet30 + (Sync value 1-8) + (Sync value 1-8) = (Vulture)
pet40 + (Sync value 1-8) + (Sync value 1-8) = (pet30)
The 1-8 Sync value items can be anything from food to the Disassebly scrolls!


Anonymous Namecard + 1s + 2s = Hand Grenade (50%)
Anonymous Namecard + 2s + 2s = Hand Grenade (70%)
Hand Gernade+2s+2s=Demon Proof (60%)
(Anonymous Card) + (Anonymous Card) + (Anonymous Card) = (Anonymous Card Folder)
(Weapon) + (Weapon disassembler) + (Weapon Disassembler) = (Iron Ore)
(Armor) + (Armor Disassembler) + (Armor Disassembler) = (Iron Ore)
(Accessory) + (Accessory DIsassembler) + (Acessory Disassembler) = (Iron Ore)
(Weapon) + ((Weapon)Mystery Disassembler) + (Hand Grenade) = (Rare Iron Ore (100%))
(Armor) + ((Armor)Mystery Disassembler) + (Hand Grenade) = (Rare Iron Ore (100%))
(Accessory) + ((Accessory)Mystery Disassembler) + (Hand Grenade) = (Rare Iron Ore (100%))


Page 1 can be obtained in the Item Shop.
Pages 2, 3, and 4 can be obtained through either:

p1 + p1 + p1
p1 + Annonymous Namecard + Annonymous Namecard
(Note: Page obtained will be random.) p1 = Page 1

p1 + p2 + p3 = v1
p1 + p2 + p4 = v2
p1 + p3 + p4 = v3
p2 + p1 + p3 = v4
p2 + p1 + p4 = v5
p2 + p3 + p4 = v6
p3 + p1 + p2 = v7
p3 + p1 + p4 = v8
p3 + p2 + p4 = v9
p4 + p1 + p3 = v10
p4 + p1 + p2 = v11
p4 + p2 + p3 = v12

Ninjawaz Synthesis Formula Guide Images

We also give random image about Ninjawaz Synthesis Formula Guide hope you like this, we got this
images from arround the web .

To get the weekly rewards, you must successfully protect the village

To get the weekly rewards, you must successfully protect the village

image source :
  • guidescroll.com

  • news.lekool.com

  • ninjawaz.freediscussions.net
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