Below is an article titled OGame Buildings, Research, Fleets and Defenses Complete Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
OGame Buildings, Research, Fleets and Defenses Complete Guide by TERMINATOR_T800
Metal Mine
This is the producer of the most important resource, Metal, worth 1 Trade Unit each. This Building is essential to every player in the game.
The initial cost for this Building is 60 Metal, 15 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Metal Production per Hour of this Building is (30*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
The formula for the Energy Consumption of this Building is (10*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
Crystal Mine
This is the producer of Crystal, a rarer resource than Metal, and worth 2 Trade Units each. This is a very important Building at all stages in the game.
The initial cost for this Building is 48 Metal, 24 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Crystal Production per Hour of this Building is (20*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
The formula for the Energy Consumption of this Building is (10*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
Deuterium Synthesizer
This is the producer of Deuterium, the fuel for your ships and is used for most researches and Buildings. Each Deuterium Unit is worth 3 Trade Units. Every player must have this Building.
The initial cost for this Building is 225 Metal, 75 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Deuterium Production per Hour of this Building is (10*”Level”*1.1^”Level”*(-0.002*”Max.Temp”+1.28)).
The formula for the Energy Consumption of this Building is (20*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
Solar Plant
This is the primary source of Energy for your planet, without Energy your mines will stop working. This is possibly the most important Building in the game.
The initial cost for this Building is 75 Metal, 30 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Energy Production of this Building is (20*”Level”*1.1^”Level”;).
Fusion Reactor
This is the secondary source of Energy for your Mines, it produces much more Energy, but it uses Deuterium to keep it operational.
The Requirements for this Building are Deuterium Synthesizer Level 5, and Energy Technology Level 3.
The initial cost for this Building is 900 Metal, 360 Crystal, and 180 Deuterium.
The formula for the Energy Production of this Building is (30 * (level of Fusion Reactor) * (1.05 + (level of Energy Technology) * 0.01) ^ level of Fusion Reactor ).
The formula for the Deuterium Consumption per Hour of this Building is (10*”Level”*1.1^”Level”).
Robotic Factory
This Building decreases the Building time of Buildings each Level. It should be built as soon as possible to speed up Building Time.
The initial cost for this Building is 400 Metal, 120 Crystal, and 200 Deuterium.
The formula for the Building Time of Buildings is (((“Metal”+”Crystal”;)/2500)*(1/(“Level”+1))*0.5^”Level of Nanite Factory”;).
Nanite Factory
This is the better version of the Robotic Factory. It halves the Building Time of Buildings, Ships, and Defences each Level. This makes building a lot faster.
The Requirements for this Building are Robotic Factory Level 10, and Computer Technology Level 10.
The initial cost for this Building is 1,000,000 Metal, 500,000 Crystal, and 100,000 Deuterium.
The formula for the Building Time of Buildings is (((“Metal”+”Crystal”;)/2500)*(1/(“Level of Robotic Factory”+1))*0.5^”Level”;).
The formula for the Building Time of Ships and Defences are (((“Metal”+”Crystal”;)/5000)*(2/(“Level of Shipyard”+1))*0.5^”Level”;).
This is where Ships are built, no matter whether you are a Turtle or an Attacker, you will need this to quite a high Level. It is required for all Ships and Defences.
The Requirements for this Building are Robotic Factory Level 2.
The initial cost for this Building is 400 Metal, 200 Crystal, and 100 Deuterium.
The formula for the Building Time of Ships and Defences are (((“Metal”+”Crystal”;)/5000)*(2/(“Level”+1))*0.5^”Level of Nanite Factory”;).
Metal Storage
This Building increases how much Metal you can store on a Planet before the Mine stops working. This Building is always needed so you can have more Metal to use later.
The initial cost for this Building is 2,000 Metal, 0 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Crystal Storage
This Building increases how much Crystal you can store on a Planet before the Mine stops working. This Building is always needed so you can have more Crystal to use later.
The initial cost for this Building is 2,000 Metal, 1,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Deuterium Tank
This Building increases how much Deuterium you can store on a Planet before the Synthesizer stops working. This Building is always needed so you can have more Deuterium to use later.
The initial cost for this Building is 2,000 Metal, 2,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Note: Storage capacities for the redesign unis (those that were RD unis from start) can be found here: Redesign News – Reset and Features
Research Lab
This is where Research is taken place. It is needed for all Research and decreases the time needed to Research each Level. Research is needed for almost everything.
The initial cost for this Building is 200 Metal, 400 Crystal, and 200 Deuterium.
The formula for the time taken to Research is ((“Metal”+”Crystal”;)/(1000*(“Level”+1))).
This Building creates more fields for your Planet, each Level makes more room for more Buildings. When a planet runs out of spaces, it is wise to be able to build one of these. Each Level gives you 5 extra Fields, 1 of which is used up by the Terraformer itself.
The Requirements for this Building are Nanite Factory Level 1, and Energy Technology Level 12.
The initial cost for this Building is 0 Metal, 50,000 Crystal, and 100,000 Deuterium.
Missile Silo
This is where Interplanetary Rockets and Anti-Ballistic Missiles are Built and kept. Each Level can store 10 Anti-Ballistic Missiles, or 5 Interplanetary Missiles.
The initial cost for this Building is 20,000 Metal, 20,000 Crystal, and 1,000 Deuterium.
Alliance Depot
With the Alliance Depot you can supply friendly fleets hold at your planet for defense with Deuterium to enlarge the time the fleet can stay at your planet.
The initial cost for this Building is 20,000 Metal, 40,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Lunar Base
This Building can only be built on a Moon. This Building increases the amount of usable Fields on a Moon by 3 until the Moon is full occupied, the Lunar Base uses up 1 of the 3 Fields it creates.
The initial cost of this Building is 20,000 Metal, 40,000 Crystal, and 20,000 Deuterium.
Sensor Phalanx
This Building can only be built on a Moon. This Building is used to scan planets to see what their Fleets are doing and when they will be back.
The Requirements for this Building are Lunar Base Level 1.
The initial cost for this Building is 20,000 Metal, 40,000 Crystal, and 20,000 Deuterium.
The formula for the Range of this Building is (“Level”^2-1).
Jump Gate
This Building can only be built on a Moon. This building allows you to sent a fleet, with no resources, instantly to any other moon that you control that also has a Jump Gate. It is free to use the Jump Gate but it can only be used once every 60 minutes.
The Requirements for this Building are Lunar Base Level 1, and Hyperspace Technology Level 7.
The initial cost for this Building is 2,000,000 Metal, 4,000,000 Crystal, and 2,000,000 Deuterium.
See more info here: Researches Guide
Espionage Technology
This Technology is used to spy on enemies and detect when they are coming to your Planet. Higher Levels of this Technology reveals more things when someone is attacking you; At Level 2, it detects how many Ships are in the Fleet; At Level 4, it detects what Ship types are in the Fleet; at Level 8, it detects how many of each Ship Type there are. Also if you try to Probe someone, if their Espionage Technology Level is higher than yours, you will see less. You must send more Espionage Probes to compensate for this.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 3.
The initial cost for this Research is 200 Metal, 1,000 Crystal, and 200 Deuterium.
Computer Technology
This Technology adds more slots you can have for your Fleets. The higher the Level of this Technology you have, the more Fleets you can have out at once.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 1.
The initial cost for this Research is 0 Metal, 400 Crystal, and 600 Deuterium.
The formula for how many Fleet Slots you can have is (“Level”+1)
Weapon Technology
This Technology increases all Ships’ and Defences’ Weapon Power by 10% per Level. This Technology is vital if you want to win all your battles.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 4.
The initial cost for this Research is 800 Metal, 200 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Weapon Power of Ships and Defences is (“Weapon Power”*(1+”Level”/10)).
Shielding Technology
This Technology increases all Ships’ and Defences’ Shielding by 10% per Level. This Technology is vital if you want to win all your battles.
The Requirements for this Research are Energy Technology Level 3, and Research Lab Level 6.
The initial cost for this Research is 200 Metal, 600 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Shielding of Ships and Defences is (“Shield Power”*(1+”Level”/10)).
Armour Technology
This Technology increases all Ships’ and Defences’ Hull by 10% per Level. This Technology is vital if you want to win all your battles.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 2.
The initial cost for this Research is 1,000 Metal, 0 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
The formula for the Hull of Ships and Defences is ((“Structural Integrity”*(1+”Level”/10))/10).
Energy Technology
At current time this Technology has no use further than Level 12 for the Terraformer. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 1.
The initial cost for this Research is 0 Metal, 800 Crystal, and 400 Deuterium.
Rnergy technology increases fusion power output like this:
30 * [Level Fusion Plant] * (1,05 + [Level Energy Technology] * 0,01) ^ [Level Fusion Plant]
Hyperspace Technology
At current time this Technology as no use further than Level 8 for the Intergalactic Research Network. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Energy Technology Level 5, Shielding Technology Level 5, and Research Lab Level 7.
The initial cost for this Research is 0 Metal, 4,000 Crystal, and 2,000 Deuterium.
Combustion Drive
The Combustion Engine is the Engine used by the Small Cargo Ship, Large Cargo Ship, Light Fighter, Recycler, and Espionage Probe. The Base Speed of these Ships are increased by 10% for every Level of this Technology.
The Requirements for this Research are Energy Technology Level 1, and Research Lab Level 1.
The initial cost for this Research is 400 Metal, 0 Crystal, and 600 Deuterium.
The formula for the Speed of Ships that use this Engine is (“Base Speed”*(1+”Level”*10%)).
Impulse Drive
The Impulse Engine is the Engine used by the Heavy Fighter, Cruiser, Colony Ship, and Bomber. The Base Speed of these Ships are increased by 20% for every Level of this Technology.
The Requirements for this Research are Energy Technology Level 1, and Research Lab Level 2.
The initial cost for this Research is 2,000 Metal, 4,000 Crystal, and 600 Deuterium.
The formula for the Speed of Ships that use this Engine is (“Base Speed”*(1+”Level”*20%)).
Hyperspace Drive
The Hyperspace Engine is the Engine used by the Battle Ship, Destroyer, and Death Star. The Base Speed of these Ships are increased by 30% for every Level of this Technology.
The Requirements for this Research are Hyperspace Technology Level 3 and Research Lab Level 7.
The initial cost for this Research is 10,000 Metal, 20,000 Crystal, and 6,000 Deuterium.
The formula for the Speed of Ships that use this Engine is (“Base Speed”*(1+”Level”*30%)).
Laser Technology
At current time this Technology has no use further than Level 12 for Battlecruisers. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 1, and Energy Technology Level 2.
The initial cost for this Research is 200 Metal, 100 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Ion Technology
At current time this Technology has no use further than Level 5 for Plasma Technology. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 4, Laser Technology Level 5, and Energy Technology Level 4.
The initial cost for this Research is 1,000 Metal, 300 Crystal, and 100 Deuterium.
Plasma Technology
At current time this Technology has no further use than Level 7 for Plasma Cannon. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 4, Energy Technology Level 8, Laser Technology Level 10, and Ion Technology Level 5.
The initial cost for this Research is 2,000 Metal, 4,000 Crystal, and 1,000 Deuterium.
Intergalactic Research Network
This Technology is used to link up your Research Labs on your Planets so it greatly decreases the amount of time needed to Research. The highest Levels of Research Lab are added together. This Technology has no use above Level 8 as you cannot have more than 9 Research Labs.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 10, Computer Technology Level 8, and Hyperspace Technology Level 8.
The initial cost for this Research is 240,000 Metal, 400,000 Crystal, and 160,000 Deuterium.
More info here: Intergalactic Research Network (IRN)
Graviton Technology
At current time this Technology has no further use than Level 1 for Death Star. It is a Requirements Technology only so it isn’t Researched much.
The Requirements for this Research are Research Lab Level 12.
The initial cost for this Research is 0 Metal, 0 Crystal, 0 Deuterium, and 300,000 Energy.
Expedition Technology
Expedition technology allows you to send fleets on expeditions. There are a lot of scenarios that can happen when doing expeditions – you can get ships, resources, Dark Matter, merchant you can lose a part of your fleet or your entire fleet or nothing can happen.
Maximum number of concurrent expeditions = INT((Level of Expedition Technology) ^ (1 / 2))
An expedition can hold at the slot 16 for 1 hour increments up to your current level of Expedition Tech.
The initial cost for this Research is 4’000 Metal, 8’000 Crystal, 4’000 Deuterium
More info hee: FAQ about Expeditions and Merchants
Astrophysics Technology
Astropyhysics Technology is a version of Expedition Technology. It can only be found in unis that were started with the redesign. This technology allows you to colonise more planets. Number of planets is no longer limited.
Astrophysics’s cost increases by 1.75 times each level, unlike most other researches. One cannot colonize planet slots 3 or 12 until they have at least level 4 Astrophysics, slots 2 or 14 until level 6 Astrophysics, and slots 1 or 15 until level 8 Astrophysics.
Max Colonies = INT(((Level of Astrophysics) + 1) / 2)
Maximum number of concurrent expeditions = INT((Level of [Astrophysics]) ^ (1 / 2))
An expedition can hold at the slot 16 for 1 hour increments up to your current level of [Astrophysics].
The initial cost for this Research is 4’000 Metal, 8’000 Crystal, 4’000 Deuterium
More information on Expeditions can be found at FAQ about Expeditions and Merchants.
More information on Colonization, including a table with Astrophysics costs and formulas, can be found at Colonising a new planet, old and new
Small Cargo
This is the basic Ship for transporting your Resources. It isn’t much used in the later game because the Large Cargo Ship takes over from it. The Base Speed of this Ship is increased when Impulse Engine Level 5 has been Researched.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 2, and Combustion Engine Level 2.
The cost for each of this Ship is 2,000 Metal, 2,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 4,000
Shield Power: 10
Weapon Power: 5
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 Units
Base Speed: 5,000 (10,000)
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 10 (20)
Large Cargo
This is the more advanced Ship for Transporting Resources. It usually has an escort because of its low Weapon Power and Shield Power.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 4, and Combustion Engine Level 6.
The cost for each of this Ship is 6,000 Metal, 6,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 12,000
Shield Power: 25
Weapon Power: 5
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Units
Base Speed: 7,500
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 50
Light Fighter
This is the first combat Ship you can Build, it is cheap, light, but has low Weapon Power. It is used largely as Fodder in the later game as it is very cheap to produce in numbers.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 1, and Combustion Engine Level 1.
The cost for each of this Ship is 3,000 Metal, 1,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 4,000
Shield Power: 10
Weapon Power: 50
Cargo Capacity: 50 Units
Base Speed: 12,500
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 20
Heavy Fighter
This is quite a cheap combat Ship but is not used in the later game because it is not as effective as Fodder for the price as Light Fighters. It is good for new players as a stronger Ship.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 3, Armour Technology Level 2, and Impulse Engine Level 2.
The cost for each of this Ship is 6,000 Metal, 4,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 10,000
Shield Power: 25
Weapon Power: 150
Cargo Capacity: 100 Units
Base Speed: 10,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 75
This is the ship you need to get if your enemies are swarming you with Light Fighters as it has Rapidfire against them. Its good for raiding too because of its speed.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 5, Impulse Engine Level 4, and Ion Technology Level 2.
The cost for each of this Ship is 20,000 Metal, 7,000 Crystal, and 2,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 27,000
Shield Power: 50
Weapon Power: 400
Cargo Capacity: 800 Units
Base Speed: 15,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 300
This is the main Ship in the game. It is used in almost every Fleet and is used a lot because nothing except the Death Star and Battlecruisers have Rapidfire against it. It is also very fast for having a Hyperspace Engine.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 7, and Hyperspace Engine Level 4.
The cost for each of this Ship is 45,000 Metal, 15,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 60,000
Shield Power: 200
Weapon Power: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 1,500
Base Speed: 10,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 500
Colony Ship
This Ship is used for Colonizing new Planets.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 4, and Impulse Engine Level 3.
The cost for each of this Ship is 10,000 Metal, 20,000 Crystal, and 10,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 30,000
Shield Power: 100
Weapon Power: 50
Cargo Capacity: 7,500 Units
Base Speed: 2,500
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 1,000
More info: Colonising a new planet, old and new
This Ship is used to collect Debris from Debris Fields.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 4, Combustion Engine Level 6, and Shielding Technology Level 2.
The cost for each of this Ship is 10,000 Metal, 6,000 Crystal, and 2,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 16,000
Shield Power: 10
Weapon Power: 1
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 Units
Base Speed: 2,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 300
Espionage Probe
This is used to spy on planets to see what is on those planets. The success of the Espionage depends on the Level of both players’ Espionage Technology Level. If you send 1 Espionage Probe you will see the Resources on the Planet, 2 Espionage Probes will see Fleet, 3 Espionage Probes wil see Defences, 5 Espionage Probes will see Buildings, and 7 Espionage Probes will see the Researched Technologies. If the enemy’s Espionage Technology Level is higher than your’s, you must send more Espionage Probes to see the same information.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 3, Combustion Engine Level 3, and Espionage Technology Level 2.
The formula for the extra number of Espionage Probes needed is ((“Enemy Level”-”Level”;)^2)
The cost for each of this Ship is 0 Metal, 1,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 1,000
Shield Power: 0.01
Weapon Power: 0.01
Cargo Capacity: 5 Units
Base Speed: 100,000,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 1
This is designed to be good against Defence, but it is actually only good against Fodder.
The Requirements for this Ship are Impulse Engine Level 6, Laser Technology Level 8, Shipyard Level 8, and Plasma Technology Level 5.
The cost for each of this Ship is 50,000 Metal, 25,000 Crystal, and 15,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 75,000
Shield Power: 500
Weapon Power: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 500 Units
Base Speed: 4,000 (5,000)
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 1,000
Solar Satellite
This is another source of Energy for your Planet. This Ship cannot move from the Planet it was Built on.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 1.
The formula for the Energy production of this Ship is (“Max. Temp”/4+20).
The cost for each of this Ship is 0 Metal, 2,000 Crystal, and 500 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 2,000
Shield Power: 1
Weapon Power: 1
Cargo Capacity: 0 Units
Base Speed: 0
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 0
This is the biggest Ship that isn’t rediculously expensive. It is expensive in Deuterium but 70 can destroy a Death Star.
The Requrements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 9, Hyperspace Engine Level 6, and Hyperspace Technology Level 5.
The cost for each of this Ship is 60,000 Metal, 50,000 Crystal, and 15,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 110,000
Shield Power: 500
Weapon Power: 2,000
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 Units
Base Speed: 5,000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 1,000
This is the largest Ship in the game. It is very powerful and destroys nearly everything that stands up to it. This Ship has the ability to destroy Moons.
The Requirements for this Ship are Shipyard Level 12, Hyperspace Engine Level 7, Hyperspace Technology Level 6, and Graviton Technology Level 1.
The formula for the chance of Moon being destroyed is (Square Root”Moon Size”*Square Root”Number of Death Stars”;)%.
The formula for the chance Death Star being destroyed is (Square Root”Moon Size”/2)
The cost for each of this Ship is 5,000,000 Metal, 4,000,000 Crystal, and 1,000,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 9,000,000
Shield Power: 50,000
Weapon Power: 200,000
Cargo Capacity: 1,000,000 Units
Base Speed: 100
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 1
This ship, a technological filigree, is deadly when it comes to destroying attacking fleets. With its improved laser cannons, it holds a privileged position between the heavy ships classes, which it is designed to defeat. Due to its small design and its enormous weaponry, the load cargo is minimal, but this is compensated by the low fuel consumption of the built-in hyperspace engine.
The cost for each of this Ship is 30,000 Metal, 40,000 Crystal, and 15,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity 70000
Shield Strength 400
Attack Strength 700
Cargo Capacity 750 units
Base speed 10000
Fuel usage (Deuterium) 250
Rocket Launcher
This is only used as Fodder by the bigger players. It is the first Defencive Structure that can be built.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shipyard Level 1.
The cost for each of this Defence is 2,000 Metal, 0 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 2,000
Shield Power: 20
Weapon Power: 80
Light Laser
This is the more expensive version of the Missile Launcher. It is easy to build and has slightly less Rapidfire against it. It is more powerful than the Missile Launcher for the cost.
The Requirements for this Defence are Energy Technology Level 1, Shipyard Level 2, and Laser Technology Level 3.
The cost for each of this Defence is 1,500 Metal, 500 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 2,000
Shield Power: 25
Weapon Power: 100
Heavy Laser
This is a bigger Small Laser. It isn’t as efficient for the cost, but it has less Rapidfire against it. It isn’t used as much as the Small Laser because its Weapon Power is poor for the cost.
The Requirements for this Defence are Energy Technoligy Level 3, Shipyard Level 4, and Laser Technology Level 6.
The cost for each of this Defence is 6,000 Metal, 2,000, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 8,000
Shield Power: 100
Weapon Power: 250
Gauss Cannon
The first big Defence you can get. It is quite powerful and can destroy the Small Ships with 1 shot.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shipyard Level 6, Energy Technology Level 6, Weapon Technology Level 3, and Shielding Technology Level 1.
The cost for each of this Defence is 20,000 Metal, 15,000 Crystal, and 2,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 35,000
Shield Power: 200
Weapon Power: 1,100
Ion Cannon
In the description for this Defence, it says this disables the Shields of Ships, it doesn’t, it is a normal Defence but has a very high Shield Power so it protects everything else from their Hulls getting damaged.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shipyard Level 4, and Ion Technology Level 4.
The cost for each of this Defence is 2,000 Metal, 6,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 8,000
Shield Power: 500
Weapon Power: 150
Plasma Turret
This is the big gun. It is the most powerful Defence and can destroy anything smaller than a Desroyer in one shot, very expensive but very powerful.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shipyard Level 8, and Plasma Technology Level 7.
The cost for each of this Defence is 50,000 Metal, 50,000 Crystal, and 30,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 100,000
Shield Power: 300
Weapon Power: 3,000
Small Shield Dome
This Defence has a very high Shield Power but virtually no Weapon Power. It protects all other Defences from damaging their Hulls. You can only Build one of these Defences per Planet.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shielding Technology Level 2, and Shipyard Level 1.
The cost for each of this Defence is 10,000 Metal, 10,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 20,000
Shield Power: 2,000
Weapon Power: 1
Large Shield Dome
This is an advanced version of the Small Shield Dome, it has a very high Shield Power to stop the other Defences’ Hulls getting damaged. You can only Build one of these Defences per Planet.
The Requirements for this Defence are Shielding Technology Level 6, and Shipyard Level 6.
The cost for each of this Defence is 50,000 Metal, 50,000 Crystal, and 0 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 100,000
Shield Power: 10,000
Weapon Power: 1
Anti-Ballistic Missile
This is Built to stop incoming Interplanetary Missiles. Each one of these Missiles destroys one Interplanetary Missile and itself.
The Requirements for this Defence are Rocket Silo Level 2 and a shipyard level 1.
The cost for each of this Defence is 8,000 Metal, 0 Crystal, and 2,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 8,000
Shield Power: 1
Weapon Power: 1
Interplanetary Missile
This is Built to send to other Planets and destroy the Defence on it. Defence destroyed by these are not rebuilt.
The Requirements for this Defence are Rocket Silo Level 4, a shipyard level 1 and impulsengine level 1.
The cost for each of this Defence is 12,500 Metal, 2,500 Crystal, and 10,000 Deuterium.
Structural Integrity: 15,000
Shield Power: 1
Weapon Power: 12,000
I hope this has been of help to you.
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