Below is an article titled Pangya Backspin Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
Pangya Backspin Guide by BankaiKev23
In this thread I am going to explain briefly but thoroughly how I calculate and measure my shots.
In order to do this, you will need a few things.
1. A scientific calculator.
2. A measuring tile. (To make a measuring tile, you can take some thin cardboard or construction paper and zoom all the way in on the green. The green is the area of the course where the cup is located. Then measure out the cardboard/paper to exactly one green tile in width and cut it to match. Next take a ruler, measure out and divide the tile into 10th’s and mark each 10th with a line. A tenth is of a tile is equal to 0.1)
An important element of calucation is that no one set of HWI will work. Players who claim such things are BS. I know from experience that every shot is different. Every element of a calcualtion is subject to change and conditions. A player must figure out every hole and every shot one by one. HWI changes due to many elements. For example, with the speed of the wind (often the HWI for a par 3 is higher at 1m and lower at 8m). Also for example, with the elevation and club (HWI is lower for wood clubs and higher for most iron clubs) & (HWI decreses as the elevation of the hole is greater, increases as the elevation of the hole is lower.) [Pro Tip: When the elevation is higher, try using a higher club for the shot. Like using the 2w or the 3w instead of the 1W. Using lower clubs increases the arch and pop of the ball leveling the HWI.] Also, green slope changes based on the angle of impact and the elevation of the green. Some shots share common elements, for these the same HWI’s will be effective for a successful shot.
Making your shot step by step.
Step 1: Calulate the power of your swing.
Step 2: Define the angle of the wind.
Step 3. Determine the HWI you will use based on the gathered information of this particular shot.
Step 4. Cacluate and measure out your shot. (Wind, Ball Slope, Elevation, Green Slope, Power of Shot, Spin)
Step 5. Hit Pangya
Backspin Chip-In Distance Formula.
This is the formula you will use to find the value of power you will use for your shot.
(Distance to the Hole) + (Club Modifier) ± (Elevation) ± (Wind) = Power of Your Shot
- Distance to the Hole — This is the number located next to the cup indicator. The value of distance in yard from your location to the cup.
- Club Modifier — This can be a bit tricky really. There are a few different people with different club modifiers. Essentially, club modifier is the number you add to the distance to the hole when calculating a backspin chip. This number can vary due to a few elements (club, value of power, elevation). Some people use this set [(1w add 20)(2w add 19)(3w add 18)(Iron add 10 to 16] OR [(1w add 19)(2w add 18)(3w add 17) (Iron/Wedge add 14- to 16] OR [(1w add 18)(2w add 17)(3w add 16)]. I recommend experimenting with these different sets to find the one that works best for you. With experiece, you will learn that like other elements of calculation, club modifier can change from hole to hole.
In time, you will learn which values to use according to the other elements of the shot.
- Elevation — For elevation you add when hole is above ground level and subtract when the hole is below ground level. The elevation sometimes needs to be adjusted because the shot itself requires you to discover the true elevation of the shot. To do this you should experiment with adding and/or subtracting increments values until you find the true elevation of that particular shot. When the little triangle that represents the hole is above the dotted line, that is the indication of posistive elevation. When the little triangle is under the dotted line, that indicates negative elevation.
- Wind — Wind is a bit more complicated because of angles. You can google “Pangya Wind Angles” and read some other guides to learn more about wind angles. But here is the basics. You subtract when the wind is north-bound. You add when the wind is south-bound. For angles, you have to find what I call the wind modifier. You take theapproximate estimation of the wind’s angle according to the direction of the winds current and enter it into your calculator. Press the [sin] button then multiply the result by the wind speed. For example, 30° north-east bound @ 5m. 30sin = 0.5. 0.5 times 5 is 2.5. So this wind modifier is 2.5. Since the wind is north-bound we know to subtract. So we subtract 2.5 in the equation for wind’s effect.
- Ball Effect — If your ball is on the rough, ice, or bunker. You will have a ball effect you will know because the orbiting line around your ball will say 95%, 80%, 75% ect. Instead of the normal 100%. Ball effect will change your true distance. For ball effect, it is best to experiment around with whats works best for you. Generally for me, I add about 3y to the distance to the hole for each 5% of ball effect.
Example CalculationThe values I will use for this shot is 250y max drive and club modifer 18.
(Distance to the Hole = 223) (Elevation = +3.24) (Wind = 5° Southbound @ 3m) [223 + 3 + 3 + 18 = 247]
Next I will set my auto-caliper to 247y. Set the spin to 9, and make the shot. If you don’t have calipers, you can take the result and divide it by your max drive to get a power-bar percentage. In the above example, you would take 247 and divide it by 250. You would get about 99%. This is the percent you will use for power. Meaning you want to fill the power bar up 99% for this shot.
Calculating and Measuring Out Your ShotThese are the factors you use to determine how far left or right you move to adjust your shot.
- Wind — Remeber that HWI changes based on the wind speed, so when the wind is lower the HWI will be higher and vise versa. The HWI change isn’t always consitant with the wind (it doesn’t always change every 1m) and may be consequtive for a few wind values then change. For example, in some shots the same HWI be the same value from 1m up to 3m, then will decrease at 4m. You take the angle and enter it into your calculator then press the [sin] button then multiply by the wind speed. (Example: 30° 5m North-East Wind w/ Wood Club) 30sin = 0.5 and 0.5 times 5 is 2.5 (rounded to 3) Since the wind is East you will move 0.95 tiles three times to the west. So press 0 and zoom all the way in on the green. Use your measuring tile to measure out 0.95 tiles three times to the left.
- Wind — Remeber that HWI changes based on the wind speed, so when the wind is lower the HWI will be higher and vise versa. The HWI change isn’t always consitant with the wind (it doesn’t always change every 1m) and may be consequtive for a few wind values then change. For example, in some shots the same HWI be the same value from 1m up to 3m, then will decrease at 4m. You take the angle and enter it into your calculator then press the [sin] button then multiply by the wind speed. (Example: 30° 5m North-East Wind w/ Wood Club) 30sin = 0.5 and 0.5 times 5 is 2.5 (rounded to 3) Since the wind is East you will move 0.95 tiles three times to the west. So press 0 and zoom all the way in on the green. Use your measuring tile to measure out 0.95 tiles three times to the left.
- Green Slope — Look at the dots on the green. The veer of the dots determines the green slope. A dot in the center usually determines an even green, for these you don’t include green slope in your measurement because the ball will not bounce to the left or right. As the dots veer to the left and right of the green, you need measure in the opposite direction because when the ball hits the green it will bounce in a direction opposite of the green slope. For dots slightly off to the left or right I go 0.3 tiles to the opposite direction. Green slope also totally subject to change for each hole and each shot, you will have to figure out its specific green slope.
- Ball Slope — If your ball is on a slope, you will see a diagonal line across it instead of the straight line. Spam the spacebar and you will see little dark step-like lines. We call these breaks. If your ball is effected by a ball slope, it will veer to the opposite direction. You want to measure your shot to compensate for the ball’s veer due to the ball slope. Count the number of dark step-line breaks on the top and bottom. Once you find the total number of breaks, use the other information you gathered in your shot to determine how much to compensate for the Ball Slope. The Ball Slope’s value per break changes based on elevation and power used in the shot. Higher elevation decreases value of ball slope effect. Lower elevation increases value of ball slope effect. Increased power of your shot increases the value of ball slope effect. Decreases power of your shot decreases the value of ball slope effect.
Values Freebies
Ice Spa Hole 2: [HWI using 1w 250y drive with 9 spin @ 1m wind = 1.175] [Green Slope = 0 (even green)] [True Elevation = -7]Ice Spa Hole 6: [HWI using 1w 250y drive with 9 spin @ 1m = 1.195] [Green Slope = 0.7 Tiles Left] [True Elevation = -9]
Ice Spa Hole 10: [HWI using 1w 250y drive with 9 spin @ 1m = 1.175] [Green Slope = 0.7 Tiles Right] [True Elevation = -14]
- Green Slope — Look at the dots on the green. The veer of the dots determines the green slope. A dot in the center usually determines an even green, for these you don’t include green slope in your measurement because the ball will not bounce to the left or right. As the dots veer to the left and right of the green, you need measure in the opposite direction because when the ball hits the green it will bounce in a direction opposite of the green slope. For dots slightly off to the left or right I go 0.3 tiles to the opposite direction. Green slope also totally subject to change for each hole and each shot, you will have to figure out its specific green slope.
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de mettre l'effet back pour passer (sans faire le backspin
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