Below is an article titled Pangya Calculations in Practice Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
Pangya Calculations in Practice Guide by Jashiat
So, a friend and I started up playing again recently, and I have been calculating since it’s now allowed (we were both seniors in Alba18 but didn’t realize you could migrate because we were inactive at the time. Both of us had black papel too :( ), and I was attempting to show him how. I then realized that it wasn’t exactly simple, and decided to make a guide. So, here goes, I appreciate any criticism because a lot of it is guesswork. I’m a Beginner D, not enough experience to truly see how things work.
First step is to go here: and read everything available, and watch at least 1 if not more of the videos.
Second step is how to use what they have available. My first suggestion is print out: and
Once you’ve printed them out, write the formula:
Sin(Angle) x Wind x HWI +- (Number of breaks x Slope modifier x HWI)
At the top of the Angle sheet (or wherever it’s available to you). This will prevent you from having to alt tab all the time.
The Third step is how to put all this into practice. Obviously it’s not easy to be handed a page of numbers and be expected to immediately understand what you’re going to do. I would highly suggest looking at the examples he has, though I use a slightly different method of using the data. I will be listing my own examples complete with pictures.
Here you can see I circled the Actual Elevation and the Pin Distance. These as well as the wind are what you use to make a nice shiny HIO.
Here’s the Aerial View:
You use the Aerial View to judge the angle of the wind. Here I can see that the wind is at roughly 75 degrees by looking at the angle chart. Once you get used to it you can then guess better angles, like judging by experience the angle looks to be around 70 degrees. This is the final element you use in your calculation.
EDIT: Apparently it chops off the wind for some reason, at least on my screen =/ The wind is 1 meter to the right and towards me, at about a 70 degree angle. Look on the chart you printed off to find angles :)
Now for the actual work. The first step is to find out the number to put in as your HWI (Horizontal Wind Influence).
Note: This is calculating for Tomahawk (Toma) use the Backspin Column (BS) for normal backspin shots.
Take the Actual Elevation I circled ignoring + or – (3.1), and multiply it by the true elevation (true ele) in your chart for the pin distance(231). You should get 1.32. You will now have the Elevation. Now look to the far right of your chart and you see a column with Elevation (Ele) and Adjusted Value (Adj.). Use the number you just got (4.092) to find the best adjusted value for it (.05). Now. Take the HWI of the pin distance (3.04) and subtract or add the Adjusted value to it, which calculates to 3.09.
Note: You add the Adjusted value to the HWI if teh Actual Elevation is Negative. You subtract it if it’s positive. Because the negative elevation makes the ball fly farther, making the wind influence the ball more.
Now you finally have the HWI! Now take this value (3.09) and multiply it by the Sin of the Angle (about 70) and the power of the wind (1) and you have the answer, in powerbars, you should adjust! To adjust by powerbars, set the screen to 640×480 (sorry no beautiful shots), zoom in all the way, and then click one tick on the powerbar from the center over for 1 powerbar adjustment. I highly suggest watching a video on abacus archives to find this out.
In math form:
(Act. Ele) x (True Ele) = Elevation (Ele). Look on chart to find Adjusted Value (Adj)
(Adj.) +- (HWI)=Final HWI.
Sin(Angle) x (Wind) x (Final HWI) = Aim in powerbars (look at wind to find if you need to adjust left or right).
Or in pure math form:
3.1 x 1.32 = 4.092–>.05
3.04 + .05 = 3.09
Sin(70) x 1 x 3.09 = 2.90365 Now go 2.9 powerbars left to aim.
Now you just need to know the power, which is rather easy to adjust for. Take the pin distance (231) and add or subtract the wind (depending on if it’s with you or against you) then add or subtract the elevation (- is subtract, + is add). Then you have a number that you should aim for. Remember that each powerbar is 10% of the total club’s power. If you have a 250yd drive, simply take the final distance (about 229) and find the % of power you should hit for (89.06%). Then hit and hopefully you’ll make it :)
Math form:
(Pin Distance) +- (Wind) +- (Elevation) = Final Distance
Pure Math form:
231 + 1 – 3 = 229
This is all (yes it seems a lot) that you need for a normal HIO off the Tee. However, the Tee has perfectly level slope, many other things do not. If you wish to try for say, an albatross or backspin shot after already teeing off, you’ll need to adjust for ball slope. This is where it gets tricky, and I am certainly no master. From what I understand, you take the aim formula above, and connect the whole formula together, to get:
Sin(Angle) x Wind x HWI +- (Number of breaks x Slope modifier x HWI)
You know how to get the first part, but the next part throws you through a loop. What’s the new gibberish about? I have a picture that will hopefully assist.
Though the image is small (sorry, as said above, you have to play in 640×480) you can see there are a number of breaks in the black line. 14 in fact if you count. The way you find this out is hit spacebar to start the bar, but instead of hitting power or anything, just let it go to max and back. During this time the black line and breaks will appear. Count them. You then get to plug this into the nice formula. Plugging it in you now have The number of breaks(14) times the slope modifier times the HWI. The HWI you already have, and guess what? The slope modifier is how much the slope will affect the ball over time, it’s a number on your chart, all you need is the pin distance to find it :) Then plug in the HWI you got from the previous calculations then add or subtract it from the first part of the equation. Add if the slope is toward the wind, subtract if it’s against it. In the picture shown the slope will hit the ball to the left (same direction as the lowest side of the line) so if you had this slope on our previous setup, the 1 wind going right would cause you to subtract it.
Math form:
(# Breaks) x (Slope Modifier) x (HWI) = Number to add or subtract to previous equation
Pure Math Form (Using previous setup with 231 pin distance):
14 x 0.24 x 3.09 = 10.3824
If using to try and shoot: 2.90365 – 10.3824 = -7.47875 So aim about 7.5 powerbars in the opposite direction you were previously aiming.
I’m sorry I tend to ramble and my explanations are probably confusing, but hopefully that helped. To calculate for backspin do the same thing, simply plug in values from the Backspin (BS) column.
If you use calculations you can many times go from this:
to this:
:D Also, as a Beginner D I was able to beat an Amateur and 2 Seniors (though mostly through an extremely fast calculation as the time was set to 40 seconds).
I highly suggest you don’t calculate every shot, especially in a tournament (will simply take too long) and don’t get angry if it doesn’t work 100%, the values are adjusted for a 250yd drive, but even with my previous 242 drive and current 248 drive, they seem to work quite well (except for power values). Always remember that the best calculation is experience. Learn and try new things, it will many times help you more than any number of calculations ever will.
I hope you enjoy this great game of Pangya, and please leave suggestions and edits to this guide, I am a noob after all, and I don’t know the fine tuning to any of this, I simply recognize that there is no other guide with my particular strategy is out there (at least on these forums).
My IGN is: (e40)Jashiat I frequent Black Papel 1 and rarely Dolfini 1 (though commonly the lounges), I hope to see you in game!
Credits: All rights to the pictures and some theories are mine, but all rights to the formulas and charts etc go to Abacus Archives. Also thanks to tonycheese who’s guide helped me to remember the things I’d forgotten in my break from playing (I highly suggest reading it).
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