Below is an article titled Pandora Saga Quests Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
Pandora Saga Quests Guide by Rosenkreuz
There are a lot of people asking for information regarding quests that do not get answered. This quest guide will answer everything you need in regards to quests. This has already been posted in the wiki, but I think that our forums’ Q/A section needs it as well.
Main Quests:
You need to finish the main questline to gain access to El Behd.
Starting Location
Empire: Barnes
Confederation: Olsen
Central Plaza: Neumann
Kingdom: Randall
Talk to the starting quest NPC to begin the Main Quest.
01. Supplier Roone’s Request
1) Talk to Roone the Supplier, Confederation Road (H-6)
2) Talk to the Guard near North Soplar Highway (I-3) (10xp)[/i][/size]
3) Talk to Faneh the Innkeeper at Royal Street (L-10) (200 gold, 10xp, Gamebeson/upper armor)
4) Talk to Alma the Weaponsmith at Imperial Way (E-11) (150 gold and 40xp)
02. [Barnes/Olsen/Neumann/Randall] is Calling for You
Barnes Imperial Way
Olsen Confederation
Neumann Central Plaza
Randall Royal Street
1) Get Quilted Gloves and Quilted Boots
2) Kill [Lv1 Maggot] x6 at any Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Barnes/Olsen/Neumann/Randall
03. Practice and Training
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Kill [Lv3 Gigarat] x8 at any Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza (350 gold and 250xp)
4) First character on account gets the Beginner Trunk
04 . Supplier Koome’s Request
1) Talk to Koome, Royal Street (M-11)
2) Kill [Lv5 Cluster Ant] x8, Western Soplar Highway
3) Cluster Ants assist each other
4) Talk to Koome (300 gold and 500xp)
05. Go Meet Lias
1) Talk to Lias, Central Plaza (I-11)
2) Kill [Lv6 Rattlesnake] x8, Northern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Lias (1,000 xp)
06. Ronia’s Request
1) Talk to Ronia, Confederation Road (I-5)
2) Get six Rotten Bones from [Lv7 Skeleton]s
3) Look in Eastern Soplar Highway
4) Skeletons spawn at night in Northern and Western Soplar Highway
5) Talk to Ronia (300 gold and 1,800xp)
07. Bureaucracy
1) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way (D-12)
2) Kill [Lv8 Baby Rattlesnake] x6, Northern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Sarah (3,000xp and a Bat Wing)
4) Kill [Lv10 Aardwolf] x8 at Northern Soplar Highway
5) Talk to Sarah (800 gold and 3,500xp)
You should be level 10 at this point
Don’t forget to open your L10 Hunter Trunk
08. The Kingdom’s Little Secret
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Talk to Grohn, Royal Street (L-10)
3) Go to Western Soplar Highway, I-9
4) Walk into the middle cross
5) Talk to Grohn (500 gold and 5,000xp)
09. Help Gharb the Weaponsmith
1) Talk to Gharb, Confederation Road (H-5)
2) Go to Northern Soplar Highway
3) Get 8 Tarantula Eyes
4) Talk to Gharb (8,000xp)
10. Investigation
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
You should be level 13 at this point
Eastern Soplar Highway
1) Talk to the Royal City Guard
2) Kill [Lv15 Booming Fly] x8
Booming Flies can be soloed by some classes/builds
3) Talk to the Royal City Guard
Northern Soplar Highway
1) Talk to Confederation City Guard
2) Kill [Lv16 Chompy Rats] x6
Chompy Rats have a lot more hit points than Booming Flies
Recommend getting in a party, even just a duo
3) Talk to the Confederation City Guard
Western Soplar Highway
1) Talk to the Imperial City Guard
2) Go to G-15 and get the Stash by walking between the two pillars
3) Talk to the Imperial City Guard
2) Complete the three guard requests
3) Talk to Neumann (3 Salves and 10,000xp)
11. Robbery Request
1) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way
2) Go to Western Soplar Highway
3) Go to the house in the southeast corner of K-9
4) Run behind the house to get the letter
5) Go to the northeast corner of H-14
6) Kill [Lv9 Thug] x6
7) Talk to Sarah (500 gold and 12,000xp)
You should be level 15 at this point
Don’t forget to open your L15 Trooper Trunk
12. Who’s the Traitor?
1) Talk to Ronia, Confederation Road
2) Go to Western Soplar Highway, F-13
3) Walk very close by the tree by the windmill
4) Automatically get the Vanahl Medicinal Herbs
5) Talk to Ronia (800 gold and 16,000xp)
13. Deserter
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Go to Eastern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Royal City Guard
4) Go to H-5
5) Click on the door of the tower
6) Kill [Lv12 Hooligan] x6
7) Talk to Neumann (18,000xp)
14. City in Peril
1) Talk to Lias, Central Plaza
2) Go to Eastern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Morane’s Minion
4) Talk to Lias, Central Plaza (1,200 gold and 22,000xp)
15. Paving the Way for Peace
1) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way
2) Remember which Half-Medallion you get from Sarah
You can check your System Dialog Tab
Look for the line that says [Info] [medallion name]
[ ] White Ant Half-Medallion
[ ] Green Raccoon Half-Medallion
[ ] Black Fly Half-Medallion
[ ] Red Snake Half-Medallion
[ ] Blue Iris Half-Medallion
3) Go to Western Soplar Highway
4) Tell Phalanx Captain which Half-Medallion you have
5) Kill [Lv17 Porcuhorn] x10
6) Talk to Phalanx Captain (Mystery Bracelet)
7) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way (1,000 gold and 24,000xp)
16. The Mysterious Bracelet
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Try to go to Northern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Ronia, Confederation Road
4) Go to Northern Soplar Highway
5) Talk to the Confederation Soldier
6) Kill the Lv15 Brahm’s Demon
7) Talk to the Confederation Soldier (28,000 xp)
You should be level 20 after completing this quest
Open up your L20 Bouncer Trunk
17. A Brewing Storm
aka the Belial Quest, 3 Demon quest
You need to join a party to complete this quest
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way
3) Go to Western Soplar Highway
4) Talk to Imperial Officer
5) Kill the [Lv15 demon] x2 and [Lv18 Belial]
6) Talk to Imperial Officer
7) Talk to Sarah, Imperial Way (1,500 gold and 32,000xp)
18. Paving the Way for Peace, Continued
aka the Barbatos quest, 3 Brothers quest
Recommend 2 healers, 2-3 tanks
1) Talk to Ronia, Confederation Road
2) Go to Northern Soplar Highway
3) Need to talk to the Confederation Soldier to advance quest
4) Talk to Confederation Soldier and either die or leave quest area
5) You are now ready to join a party and kill the bosses
6) Talk to the Confederation Soldier
7) Kill the three bosses
Lv22 Astaroth
Lv23 Forneus
Lv24 Barbatos
8) Talk to Confederation Soldier
9) Talk to Ronia, Confederation Road (2,000 gold and 38,000xp)
19. The Deserter, Continued
aka the 6 Demon Quest, Brahm Guardian quest
1) Talk to Grohn, Kingdom Street
2) Go to Eastern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to Royal Riders Captain to advance the quest
4) Die or leave the quest area
5) You are now ready to join a party and kill the 6 Demons
6) Talk to the Royal Riders Captain and kill the Demons
7) Kill the [Lv21 Brahm Guardian] x6
Brahm Guardians have AOE attack and AOE Dispel
Brahm Guardians can Slow, use Vivify to remove Slow
8) Talk to Royal Riders Captain
9) Talk to Grohn, Kingdom Street (40,000xp)
20. Duel
aka Brahm quest
You need a 35+ Tank, at least one 35+ Priest, and ranged damage dealers
The Tank must continually Provoke Brahm
The Priest’s primary duty is to heal the Tank
Kill the Brahm Seeds/Worm Bombs that aggro on the healers
Brahm has a very powerful melee range AOE attack
Brahm will constantly send out groups of 3-4 Brahm Seeds that act like Worm Bombs
Brahm jumps up in the air just before casting a large radius AOE attack
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Go to West Soplar Highway
3) Run up to the door of the tower to enter Brahm’s Lair, a safe area
4) You need to enter the boss room to advance the quest
5) Move to the northwest and approach the door to enter the boss area
6) Click through the dialog with Brahm
7) Die or leave the boss room
8) You are now ready to join a party and kill Brahm
9) Kill [Lv30 Brahm]
10) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
11) Choose a reward:
A] 1 million xp
B] Orb of Darkness
The Orb of Darkness has no known use at this time and is worth 10 gold at merchants.
REWARDS: 1 million xp OR Orb of Darkness, Nation Permit
21. Return Trip
1) Return to your nation’s capital
Talk to Tawatha the Transporter
2) Wait in your nation and you should automatically get a letter
3) Click on the pop-ups to read the letter
22. Calamity
1) Talk to Neumann, Central Plaza
2) Exit Astir
Varik – go to Northern Soplar Highway
3) Talk to the flagged NPC
Varik – talk to Confederation Soldier (H-7)
4) Investigate the Foothills of Mt. Jorito
Go to the Foothills, area G-6 to trigger a cutscene
5) Bring 3 Light Crystal Fragments back to G-6
Get close to the cave entrance to trigger the cutscene
Light Crystal Fragments drop from:
Lv35 Dynarats
Lv45 Brutal Rat (boss)
Mt. Jorito
Lv24 Kobolds
Lv32 Kobold Raiders
Lv38 Kobold Soliders
El Behd
Lv48 Kobold ?
Lv57 Kobold ?
The Kobold Knight
1) Go into the cave to enter El Behd
This quest appears to be incomplete.
Side Quests:
Side Quests are unlocked at level 20.
Quests can be done once, a set number of times, or once per day.
Talk to a Mediator to unlock the Side Quests:
Central Plaza, H-11, west side of fountain
Confederation Road, I-5, by the Innkeeper
Imperial Way, E-11, northwest from the merchants
Royal Street, no Mediator
NOTE: Do NOT cancel any of the one-time quests
Most Quest NPCs will give you the quest once.
You can cancel daily quests.
Do NOT cancel Lost Memories or Threat to the Town
[Level 20] Lost Memories (3 times)
Mediator title: Where are my memories?
Quest NPC: Amnesiac, Confederation Road, H-6
1) Talk to the Amnesiac > I lost my memory too
2) Get 5 Deadly Nightshades
3) Deadly Nightshades drop off poisonous creatures like spiders and snakes
4) Talk to Amnesiac
5) Get 5 Acidic Ichors
6) Acidic Ichors drop from insects like Lv20 Drone Ants or Lv31 Slugs
Farm Deadly Nightshades from Lv22 Threadwires, Lv20 Drone Ants should be nearby
7) Talk to Amnesiac
REWARD: 3,000 gold and 30k xp
[Level 22] For the Sake of Peace (3 times)
Mediator title: Threat to the Town
Quest NPC: Maibow, Royal Street, L-11
1) Talk to Maibow, Royal Street
2) Complete one of the follow tasks:
A] Get 5 Splintered Claws, kill Lv20 Blood Bats, Himurart/Jorito/Nelstadt at night
B] Get 5 Syrupy Ichors from Lv22 Threadwires
Threadwires can be found in Himurart Desert, Foothills of Mt. Jorito, or Nelstadt Plains
C) Get 5 Ragged Hides, kill Lv24 Kobolds,
3) Talk to Maibow
REWARD: 2,500 gold and 35k xp
[Level 22] For Peace? (once)
Quest NPC: Maibow, Royal Street, L-11
Complete For the Sake of Peace 3 times
1) Go to the Royal Street fountain and talk to Nazhnev
2) > Die, in the name of peace!
3) Talk to Maibow
4) Select reward:
Money = 40k xp
[Level 23] Thalia is Lost (once)
Mediator name: A large lost child
Quest NPC: Thalia, Royal Street, M-10
1) Talk to Thalia, Royal Street > Talk to her
2) Talk to Volfina, Imperial Way, northeast corner of D-12
3) Talk to Thalia > Tell her what now?
4) Talk to Volfina > “…”
5) Kill [Lv23 Ratling] x10, Himurart Desert
6) Talk to Thalia
REWARDS: 15 Bat Wings, 4,000 gold and 40k xp
[Level 24] The Myrine Sisters (once)
Mediator name: Rumor of the sisters
Quest NPC: Volfina, Imperial Way. D-12
1) Talk to Volfina, Imperial Way
2) Talk to Evita, Imperial Way E-11
3) Talk to Volfina
4) Kill [L24 Cocadrille] x10 at Foothills of Mt Jortio
5) Talk to Evita
6) Talk to Volfina
REWARDS: 6,000 gold and 75k xp
Warrior Training Academy Quests
Mediator name: Seeking new students
Quest NPC: Labowski, Royal Street, K-11
1) Talk to Labowski to unlock the quests
2) You can have one of the Warrior Training Academy quests active at a time
[Levels 25-40] (daily) Warrior Training Academy (I)
Mediator name: Seeking new students
Quest NPC: Kax, Royal Street, K-11
1) Talk to Kax
2) Get 10 Bloody Pelts
Bloody Pelts drop from the following monsters:
Kill [Lv26 Cape Jackals] at Nelstadt Plains, D-9 and E-9
Cape Jackals, Himurart, G-6
Kill [Lv32 Morax] in Himurart Desert, around G-10
Kill [Lv33 Ratling Sentinel] in Himurart Desert, around H-13
3) Talk to Labowski
REWARD: 30k xp
[Levels 30-40] (daily) Warrior Training Academy (II)
Mediator name: Seeking new students
Quest NPC: Rex, Royal Street, K-11
1) Talk to Rex
2) Kill [Lv32 Skull Pulveriziers] x10, Nelstadt Plain, I-9
Himurart, I-7
Watch out for the Skull Shooters
3) Talk to Labowski
REWARD: 5,000 gold and 110k xp
[Levels 35-45] (daily) Warrior Training Academy (III)
Mediator name: Seeking new students
Quest NPC: Kix, Royal Street, K-11
1) Talk to Kix
2) Kill [Lv38 Glow Larva] x10, Himurart, H-11
3) Kill [Lv40 Soldier Ant] x10, Himurart, H-6
4) Talk to Labowski
REWARDS: 180k xp
[Levels 26-36] (daily) Exorcism
Mediator name: Ghostly rumors
Quest NPC, Sarnia, Imperial Way, D-12
1) Talk to Sarnia > Wake her up
2) Kill [Lv24 Larva] x15,
Himurart Desert, only at night
Foothills of Mt Jorito (H-13), only at night
Nelstadt Plains, night only
3) Talk to Sarnia
REWARD: 4,000 gold and 50k xp
[Level 27] Reconnaissance (once)
Mediator name: A mysterious organization
Quest NPC: Rick, Confederation Road, G-7
NOTE: You can fail this mission by talking to the wrong NPCs
1) Talk to Rick > No, I’m not
2) > I do
3) > Sure
4) > I’m sorry, no
5) > I’ve got something to do
6) Remember the password
“Stop wasting my time”
7) Go to the Imperial Way
8) Talk to Annie, D-12
9) Go to Royal Street
10) Talk to Polina, K-9
11) > Proof?
12) > Never mind
13) > Never mind
14) > Let’s rumble!
15) Go back to Rick
REWARD: 5,000 gold and 70k xp
REWARD (Failed): 30k xp only
[Level 28-40] (daily) Collect White Crystals
Mediator name: The collector
Quest NPC: Igor, Royal Street, L-11
1) Get 20 White Crystals
White Crystals drop from:
Lv20 Drone Ants
Lv26 Cape Jackals
Lv35 Brigand Warrior
Lv36 Brigand Hunter
Lv37 Brigand Healer
2) Talk to Igor
REWARD: 3,500 gold and 55k xp
[Level 29] (bugged) The Lost Key
Mediator name: the absent-minded enkidu
[Level 30] (not in game yet?)
Mediator name: Join the exploration team
Quest NPC: Hemlock the Monument Gatekeeper, Imperial Way, e-11
Requires: Complete the Main Quest?
[Level 31-41] (Daily) Defeat Kobold Raiders
Mediator name: Confederation Assault Team
Quest NPC: Miriam, Confederation Road, H-6
1 ) Talk to Miriam > Nod
2) Kill [Lv32 Kobold Raiders] x10, Foothills of Mt. Jorito, I-12
3) Talk to Miriam
REWARD: 5,500g and 100k xp
[Level 32] (once) The Final Report
Mediator name: A fallen soldier
Quest NPC: Nelhaunt, Confederation Road, H-5
1) Talk to Nelhaunt
Note location and monster and attack type
Go south and take the road going west
2) Talk to Shahti > I was sent by Nelhaunt
3) Give location ( In the Foothills of Mt. Jorito )
4) Give monster ( the Cockatrices )
5) Give attack type ( caught us in a pincher attack )
6) Kill 10 of the monsters at the location
Cockatrice x 10 at Foothills of Mt. Jorito
7) Talk to Shahti
REWARD: 10,000g and 250k xp
[Level 33-40] (daily) Gather Pelts
Mediator name: Merchant’s request
Quest NPC: Drudd, Central Plaza, I-10
1) Get 30 Bloody Pelts
Bloody Pelts drop from the following monsters:
Kill [Lv28 Cape Jackals] at Nelstadt Plains, D-9 and E-9
Kill [Lv28 Cape Jackals] at Himurart Desert, G-6
Kill [Lv32 Morax] in Himurart Desert, around G-10
Kill [Lv33 Ratling Sentinel] in Himurart Desert, around H-13
REWARD: 4,500 gold and 120k xp
[Level 34] (once) Path to Knighthood
Mediator name: Young boy’s dream
Quest NPC: Prezhnev, Royal Street, M-10
1) Talk to Prezhnev, Royal Street
2) > It’s neat
3) > I do
4) Kill [Lv28 Fireleg] x5 at Mt. Jorito, around J-15
5) Talk to Prezhnev
6) Kill [Lv32 Morax] x5 in Himurart Desert, around G-10
7) Talk to Prezhnev
8) Kill [Lv33 Ratling Sentinel] x5 in Himurart Desert, around H-13
9) Talk to Prezhnev
REWARD: 7,500 gold and 350k xp
[Level 35] (once) The Confederation’s Emissary
Mediator name: Women enveloped by mysteries
Quest NPC: Fania, Confederation Road, h-7
1) > I’m no eavesdropper!
2) > I can
3) Kill [L37 Bushmasters] x10, Foothills of Mt. Jorito
4) Talk to Fania
5) Kill [L38 Kobold Soldier] x10, Foothills of Mt. Jorito
6) Talk to Fania
REWARD: 12,000g and 400k xp
[Level 36] (once) The Novice Doctor and the Craftsman
Mediator name: A diligent student
Quest NPC: Penelope, Confederation Road, I-4
1) Penelope, Confederation Road > Are you all right?
2) Go to Imperial Way and look for the two Myrines, D-10
3) Talk to Mysica, across from the Merchants
4) > I’m representing someone
5) Get 10 Hefty Bones, kill [Lv32 Skull Pulverizers] at Nelstadt Plains, I-9
Himurart, I-7
6) Talk to Consuela, Imperial Way, d-10
7) Get 10 Broken Skulls, Lv18 Skull Archers, Eastern Soplar
Broken Skulls can also drop from Lv Skeletons and Lv17 Skull Slashers, any Soplar Highway
8) Talk to Consuela, Imperial Way
9) Get Small Yellow Crystal x10
[Lv39 Wretches], Nelstadt
[Lv39 ?], Tumblejean (Empire only)
[Lv48 Trolls], Himurart
[Lv43 ?], Muldia
10) Talk to Mysica, Imperial Way
REWARD: 8,000 gold and 450k xp
[Level 36-40] (daily) The Beauty’s Lament
Mediator name: Myrine Rumors
Quest NPC: Dorothea, Imperial Way, by the Merchants
1) Get 25 Piercing Claws from [Lv39 Vampire Bats]
Piercing Claws also drop from [Lv39 Wretches] in Nelstadt, H-8
REWARD: 6,000 gold and 220k xp
[Level 37] (once) The Blacksmith’s Training
Mediator name: Brawling Disturbance
Quest NPC: Caruna, Confederation Road, C-7
1) Get Splintered Claw x5, kill Lv20 Blood Bats, night only
2) Talk to Caruna
3) Get Sharp Fang x5, kill Lv40 Bibron’s Boas, Jorito, H-7
Sharp Fangs drop off most snake monsters
4) Talk to Caruna
5) Get Durable Bone x5, kill [Lv32 Skull Pulverizers]
Skull Pulverizers can be found Nelstadt Plains, I-9 and Himurart, I-7
6) Talk to Caruna
REWARD: 10,000 gold and 550k xp
[Level 38-40] (daily) Trespasser in the Kingdom
Mediator name: Rumors of a maverick
Quest NPC: Vandolov, Royal Street, L-10
1) Go to Nelstadt Plains
2) Kill [Lv39 Wretch] x15, H-8
) Talk to Vandolov
REWARD: 6,500 gold and 250k xp, Silver Crystal x5
[Level 39] (once) Search for History
Mediator name: Unraveling history
Quest NPC: Balmore, Central Plaza, I-10
1) Talk to Balmore – Central Plaza
2) Talk to Koslo, Royal Street
3) Talk to Jaures, Confederation Road
4) Kill [Lv42 Marrow Sluggers] x10, Nelstadt Plains at night
REWARD: 15,000 gold and 600k xp
[Level 40) (horse quest) (not in game yet)
Mediator name:
Quest NPC: Gulden?, Northern Soplar Highway, I-12, north from Astir
[Level 40] (once) Medicine for a Stomachache
Mediator name: The gentle elf
Quest NPC: Cybil, Confederation Road, H-5
1) Get Poisonous Ichor x20
Poisonous Ichor drops from L44+ spiders
2) Talk to Cybil
[Level 40] (daily) Spiritual Medium Mania
Mediator name: What a weirdo
Quest NPC: Camille, Royal Street, L-10
1) Get 66 Superior Souls
Superior Souls drop off most monsters in Muldia
2) Talk to Camille
REWARD: 6,666 gold and 666,666 xp
[Level 45] (daily)
Mediator name:
Quest NPC: ?, Confederation Road, I-3
1) Get ? x30 from Lv38+ Kobolds
REWARD: 8,000 gold and 1 million xp
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