Below is an article titled Pandora Saga War and Honor Guide that we collected from various sources. All credit goes to its original writer.
Pandora Saga War and Honor Guide by Shoshinryu
Many people have been asking lately about honor rankings and how war works. There have been questions such as how to command, what happens when commander dies, how does commander get chosen, etc…. Here will lie the answers to your questions in this handy guide to war & honor!
First Steps to War
First you must register. Registration for the war begins an hour before the war actually starts. For the first 30 minutes of registration you can sign up as a Regular or Commander. For the second 30 minute portion of registration you are allowed to register as a Militia.
- Militia: A unit in war that may participate after waiting in line for their turn. If you die in war as a militia, you will return to town and have to reapply.
- Regular: A unit in war that may participate from the beginning of the war. If you die in war as a regular, you will be allowed to revive inside the warzone. To become a Regular you must pay 10,000 gold. If you are not chosen in the lottery, you will be refunded your 10,000 gold.
- Commander: A unit in war that is chosen as the leader through a lottery system. There are benefits and disadvantages to being commander as will be explained below. To apply as commander you must pay 10,000 gold. If you are not chosen in the lottery for commander, you will still retain regular status. If you are not chosen as a regular, you will not be commander and will be refunded your 10,000 gold.
How War Works
There are many factors that affect the war. These include dying to the enemy, killing the enemy commander, reviving, and the holding of towers.
At the beginning of the match each nation will start with a certain amount of points. This is how that works:
- First Place 3 Consecutive Wins = 5500 Starting Points
- First Place 4 Consecutive Wins = 5250 Starting Points
- First Place 5 Consecutive Wins = 5000 Starting Points
- Other Than First Place 3 Consecutive Times = 6250 Starting Points
- Other Than First Place 4 Consecutive Times = 6375 Starting Points
- Other Than First Place 5 Consecutive Times = 6500 Starting Points
- No Consecutive Wins/Losses Totalling To 3 = 6000 Starting Points
Within the war there are many ways to lose points and to gain points. This is how that works:
- Allied Commander Killed = -100 Points
- Regular Uses Revive = -10 Points
- Kill Enemy Commander = +100 Points
- Kill Enemy Soldier = +5 Points
- Enemy Regular Revives = +5 Points
- Zero Towers Owned At Bugle = -1000 Points
- One Tower Owned At Bugle = -600 Points
- Two Towers Owned At Bugle = -300 Points
- Three Towers Owned At Bugle = 0 Points
- Four Towers Owned At Bugle = +500 Points
- Five Towers Owned At Bugle = +1000 Points
- Six Towers Owned At Bugle = +1500 Points
- Seven Towers Owned At Bugle = +2000 Points
- Eight Towers Owned At Bugle = +2500 Points
- Nine Towers Owned At Bugle = +3500 Points
The Bugle
Every 10 minutes the war will update itself, we are calling this the Bugle. None of the points in the war will change until the bugle, and depending on the point system described above for towers, kills, revives, etc you will have a certain amount of points at the Bugle. If at war starts at 7pm then this is how it works:
7:00 pm : Start of war. Start points.
7:10 pm : First bugle.
7:20 pm : Second bugle.
7:30 pm : Third bugle.
7:40 pm : Fourth bugle.
7:50 pm : Fifth bugle.
8:00 pm : Last bugle. End of war.
Each of these points are critical to the war. Depending on how many towers you hold at the bugle you will gain or even lose a certain amount of points. Be watchful of this!
Winning The War/End of War
For winning the war you will obtain an Item Drop Bonus. Every nation will obtain rewards at the end of the war based on which towers they had controlled at the end:
- Fortune Tower = Drop Bonus
- Victory Tower = PvP Point Bonus
- Training Tower = Bonus EXP
- As soon as they fix the bug where we can’t read the medal descriptions all the way, I will add this section.
There are many ranks that are obtainable through the amassing of honor in Pandora. Here I will explain those ranks, their honor requirements, the bonuses they provide, and the gold needed to obtain said ranks.
Rank 1 – Page
This is your starting rank.
It requires no honor or gold to obtain.
Rank 2 – Esquire
This is your second rank.
It requires 10,000 gold and 1,000 honor to obtain.
You can obtain this as soon as you choose a nation and gain the +1,000 honor reward.
It rewards you the ability to create guilds.
Rank 3 – Knight
This is your third rank.
It requires 20,000 gold and 3,000 honor to obtain.
It rewards you with a 10% discount from buying from NPC and a +10% bonus from selling to an NPC.
Rank 4 – Baron
This is your fourth rank.
It requiers 9,000 honor and 40,000 gold.
It rewards you with your first inventory extension. Also, possibly, something to do with siege wars.
Rank 5 – Viscount
This is your fifth rank.
It requires 17,000 honor and 80,000 gold.
It rewards you with the ability to buy items with your honor points. Check main site for item list.
Rank 6 – Earl
This is your sixth rank.
It requires 33,000 honor and 160,000 gold.
It rewards you with your second inventory extension.
Rank 7 – Marquess
This is your seventh rank.
It requires 65,000 honor and 320,000 gold.
It rewards you with the ability to buy more items with your honor points. Check main site for item list.
Rank 8 – Count
This is your eigth rank.
It requires 129,000 honor and 640,000 gold.
It rewards you with one choice of a special passive. Check main site for list of passive names.
Rank 9 – Margrave
This is your ninth and final “normal” rank.
It requires 257,000 honor and 1,280,000 gold.
This rank will reward you with the ability to purchase two new items with honor. It will also allow you to be eligible for the royalty rankings.
Royalty Rankings
There are three royalty rankings. The Dukes, the Princes, and the Archduke. These rankings are obtained by first reaching the Margrave rank. Beyond that point, they are automatically bestowed on those who qualify for them, with no need to pay more gold or apply. The number of each in a nation is questionable
Dukes- The Dukes will be chosen by players within the top 15 in the nation. They are the lowest in the royalty ranking tier. The Dukes are rewarded with a special cloak.
Princes- The Princes will be chosen by players within the top 5 in the nation. They are the middle class in the royalty ranking tier. The Princes are rewarded with an impressive cloak.
Archduke- The Archduke will be chosen by the top player in the nation. They are the highest in the royalty ranking tier. The Archduke is rewarded with an exclusive cloak.
A very important note about rankings is that if you fall below the amount of honor needed for that rank, then you will lose the rank. Whether this will be done per server maintenance or once per month is yet to be seen.
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